February 01, 2007
~ 23:21
Up n MoViN OnWaRd~!!!
as promised pics for my new hairstyle~!!!
i aM loViN my haiRstyLe...
eVen more wiTh eaCh daY...
i receiveD ALOT of complimenTs...
foR my hairsTyLe...
makiN me suPeR Zi LiaN this daYs lorz...
e basE is dark purpLe...
n e higHlights which are mostLy internaL...
is reddisH purpLisH~
everYtiMe wheN i wasH my haiR...
suPer scareD lorz...
cos e waTeR is Like piNkisH lorz...
den my freN say my baCk haiR...
looKs like coPPeR lorz~
so saD...e purple is fadin away~
CaT: really feel like lettin u see me personally~
see whether i wun get bored with this...
hairstyle for 5 mths~
if not i will try to maintain it~
eVeN moRe eXCITiN NEWS~!!!
a BiT oVeR eXciTeD todaY~!!!!
beaR wiTh me k~
i weNt foR an inteRview....
foR student council on mon...
haha~! suPer haPPy loRz...
deN i thiNk...thinK...
i might b in eVents...
iF tt haPPeNs...
i caN go craZy wiTH ViVieN aGaiN~!!!!
den den....
i wenT for my FPA club interview today...
FiLm n PerFormiN ArTs club...
actuaLLy i tot it was juz...
a interview to enter into e sub-committee...
or somethin to this extend...
den e vice-president Glarie...
asked me this qn tt shocked me...
he layed out e options of e committee...
which are president, vice-president, treasurer etc...
n told me to b open n asked me to chooSE~!
i was surprised okiez~
cos those positions were like e main com...
n like e highest position lorz...
i cant possibLy saY tt i waNNa b e presiDeNt riTE?!
basically tt day was oso e hand-oveR daY loRz~
all e ppl who wenT for e interview...
n goT into e maiN com...
weRe ppL whoM workeD with me...
previously in e drama production....
so we knew eaCh otheR...
n weRe quiTe coMfortaBLe wiTh eaCh otheR~
Qi Yun - e President
Wei Xiong - Vice President & Treasurer
Vivien - Marketing Manager
Justin - Marketing Manager
Valient - Marketing Manager
Joanna - Performing Arts Manager
Me - Productions Manager~!!!
basically my duties are to...
bring in worshoPs for acTing...
pHotograhy, digitaL fiLmin etc...
n mosT imporTanTLy...
i GET to Be...
iTs a dreaM coMe true foR me loRz...
foR those who noe me...
noe tt i love draMas alot...
i have acted a few times before...
buT have nv takeN part in...
any bacKstaGe activities before...
n have been wantiNg to do it...
for a very LoNg timE...
n this tiMe i geT to do...
a whOLe neW draMa frOm scraTch...
of coS togeTheR with my whoLe coM...
froM e budgeTiN...
souRcin ouT a VeNue...
fiNd acTors, aCtress...
baSicaLLy eVERYThiN~!!!
actUaLLy e whoLe com...
is liKe newBieS or fresHies to everythiN...
oNLy 1 or 2 ppL haVe doNe soMethin...
a biT relaTeD...
otHer den tt...
we r totally clueless~
so we aLL haVe to LeaRn everyThiN togetheR...
brinG soMethiN froM noN-existenCe...
to soMethiN HUgE n suCCessFuL~
we r aLL exciTeD...
n LooKin foRward to aLL e pLanniN...
n maKiN e cLuB a HuGe suCCess~!
i aM suPer exciTed okiE!!!
aT LasT my sCh liFe wouLd noT...
b muDaNe aGaiN~!!!
i aM so sO SOOOO...
looKiN foRwaRd to thiS eVeNtfuL yeaR...
sTudeNt couNciL...FPA...
n aLL e thiNgs tt i wouLd b aBLe to do...
noT oNLy tt...
i caN puT "ProductioNs MaNageR"...
doWn in my resuMe...
n MaKe iT LooK Gd~!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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