January 16, 2007
~ 22:43
mY faV woRd: CLs~
GooD moRniN UniVersaL~
GooD AfteRnooN UnivesaL~
GooD eVeniN UniVersaL~
yah...tt's me aNsweRin
pHonE caLLs at woRk toDay...
siNce thiS wK was soMe craPPy...
MaNge ClieNt SerVices moDuLe...
HaLf e tiMe i aM doiNg seLf-sTudY...
e otHeR HaLf i waS...
i duN eVeN noE waD i waS doiN theRe~
yuP...so expeCted...
i sKippeD cLass~ Heez~
AfteR noT goiN dowN to e...
opTicaL shOp foR a few mThs...
i reaLisE tt i HaVE n NEEd to...
at LeaSt go dowN eveRy mtH...
to keeP myseLf uPdaTed of thiNgs...
oTheRwiSe i wiLL becOme...
oBsoLeTe n RusTy~!
caN u imaGine e no. of neW...
ContaCt LeNs (CLs) tt caMe uP...
on e maRkeT whiLe i waS...
CooPeD uP @ homE~
FresHLook coLouR daiLy lens...
Acuvue Oasys...
Acuvue Define Vivid...
Freshkon new colour in browN...
CLeaRLaB toRic lenS...
n uPcoMiN neW FoCus daiLy leNs...
in neW asTigmaTisM poweRs~
n noT to meNtioN reMembeRin...
aLL e diFF promoTioNs...
n trYin to reVise aLL e diFF priCes~!
OH mY GoD~
LucKily i'm noT tt baD afTeraLL...
i heaRd of neWs of soMe braNds...
eVen befoRe iT caMe up oN maRkeT...
so iT heLps tt i duN...
LooK or aCt liKe a UseLesS oPtoM~
waDs e uSe oF mE beiN theRe...
iF i caNt eVeN reMeMbeR aNy oF...
mY opToM terMinoLogIes n knoWLedgE~
aNywaY iT kiNd oF feeLs gooD...
goinG bacK to wOrK...
re-disCussiN bouT CLs stuFF...
sPecTacLe sTuFF insteaD...
oF e noW $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
iTs kinD oF weirD as weLL...
aS i haVe noT seRveD a cusTomeR...
foR quiTe soMe timE...
LucKiLy my reFracTion iS...
StiLL quiTe accuRaTe as lasT tiMe...
buT onLy sLowEr...
n i m sOOO muCh sLoWeR...
aT couNtin mY CLs basE cuRve...
n deTerMiniN my CLs poWeRs...
n trYin to reMembeR...
e AddiTioN powErs foR presByopia~
hoW to fiT sPectaCLes foR presByopia~
n oSo trYiN to reCaLL haRd...
hoW to deTermiNe e BaSe cuRve...
n e sTaiNin paTTerNs foR a properly...
fiTTed RGP (rigid gas permeable) leNs~!
e diFFereNt desiGns of a pRogreSsiVe leNs..
e diFFerenCes in eaCh muLticoaT...
e PoWeR raNGe foR eaCh CLs...
e no. oF baSe CuRve foR eaCh CLs...
aM i makiN u diZZy & coNfuSed???
sTiLL goT moRE~ LOL~
My oPtoM teRms...
hoW to desCibe to the cusT...
bouT eacH coNditioN...
waD to aDvisE theM...
n waDs e treatmeNt...
waD quesTioNs to aSk..
To gaUge e SignS n SympToMs...
to deTerMinE exaCtLy whiCh...
coNditioN iT is...
oH maN...i sUre neeD to looK...
baCk aT mY booKs~
oH...i osO neeD to reVisE...
mY StraBismuS...
- eso or exo...
- tropia or pHoria
mY reTinoScopY & opHtaLmosCopE...
mY VisiOn fieLds...
mY coLouR & coNtraSt aReas...
e VaRioUs terMs foR iLLness...
n iTs SiGns n sympToMs...
e NeuRoLogY paRt oF e eYe...
e MuScLes coNnecTiN to e eYe...
aLL e VarioUs TreaTmenTs...
eXerCises & aDvices...
tt caN be giVen...
iS sUre noT aS sImpLe aS u thiNK~
if dun understand any of this...
iTs normaL...can asK me iF u sEe me~
HeLL aLoT oF thiNgs to RecaLL
buT i sTiLL maNaGeD to reTaiN...
tt parT oF oPtoMetrY in mE~
despiTe e diFFicuLties....
i sTiLL LOVE OpToMeTry...
n i caN teLL u ecoNs & FiNaNce...
iS sOOO muCh eaSieR deN thiS...
buT aT e saMe tiMe...
sOOO muCh LeSs fuN~
baCk to buSineSs...
siNce toDay waSnt tt Bz...
i eVeN goT to siT aRouNd...
LaUgH n taLk likE noBody'S buSinEss...
goT an uNexPecTeD freE treaT...
to a CoFFee BeaN Frappe...
n eaRn likE $80 foR todaY...
noT to meNtioN...
a PaiR of free triaLs foR Acuvue Oasys...
n 4 pairs oF FresHLooK coLouR daiLy leNs...
iN aLL diFF coLouRs~!!!
WoO HOO~!!!
i m sOOOOO goiNg baCk to woRk aGaiN!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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