January 06, 2007
~ 11:59
iN aPPreCiaTioN
to VaLiaNt
foR beiNg so eVeR PaTienT...
n aLwaYs guidiN e casT...
foR beiNg so uNdersTandiN...
aT tiMes wheN wE jusT couLdnt aCt...
wheN we juz haD ouR momeNts...
n Juz foR beiNg such a GreaT diRectoR n...
sCripTwriTeR wHo brouGht uR "BaBieS" to maTuriTy~
to Yin TzE
foR haVin to maNgage so muCh sTuff...
n sTress tt we CouLd neVeR undeRstand...
foR juz coMinG to aLL e reHearsaLs...
thougH u did noT reaLLy need to...
n juZ foR beiNg a wOndeRfuL sTaGe ManaGer...
foR briNgiN e sTaGe to Life~
to DesMonD
foR e tiMes wHeRe we loVe to buLLy u...
n use ur liNes to "suaN" u...
foR e tiMes wheN u cHip in uR commeNts...
n beiNg so at eaSe wiTh uS geRs...
n juZ foR uR eFForT oF suRmouNtin aLL diFFicuLties...
n suCcessFuLLy aCtiNg ouT e RoLe oF cuTe EddiE~
to AnviTa
foR ur peRseVeraNce iN goiNg aHeaD wiTh...
reHeaRsaLs desPite uR diFFicuLt tiMes aHeaD...
foR e maNy tiMes u accompaNieD me...
oN e LoNg MRT triPs...
foR e eNdLesS cHaTs anD fuN...
n uR wiLLiNgness to sHaRe uR heaRt wiTh mE...
n JuZ foR beiNg AnviTa...
wHo aLLoWs mE to sLaP JeSsiCa~
to ViVieN
foR e reaLLy eNdLeSs GossiPs...
n up-daTeD neWs bouT uR liFe...
foR uR viTaLitY n zeSt...
tt neVeR faiLs to briGhteN mY daY...
foR acTing n pLaYin aLonG so sTuPidLy...
n beiNg so siLLy toGetHeR wiTh me...
foR laUgHin liKe siaO toGetHeR...
n foR uR "neaR" HuGs...
n JuZ foR beiNg iN e pLaY as ShaRoN...
to leT me meEt u~
ThaNks to aLL e otHeR CreWs anD CasT
wHo haVe coNtriButeD to e SucCesS
oF thiS ProDucTioN~
ALL oF u wiLL noT be foRgoTTen foR
uR PreCiouS tiMe n eNerGy sPenT
to briNg aBouT thiS dRaMa~!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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