earLy iN e moRn @ 8:45...waS ouR 1sT daY...@ NaTioNaL LiBraRy BLacK BoX...prePariNg aLL ouR LigHtiNgs...n sTuFF foR e BiG daY...on 5th & 6th...aPPraRenTLy e sTaGe...waS noT QuiTe waD...i iMagiNed iT to be LiKe...iT is ReaLLy LiTeRaLLy...WaD iTs naMe saYs...a BLaCk BoX~!u reaLLy gOtta sEE e pLaCe...FoR uRseLf to uNdersTaNd...waD i meaN~aNywaY...of cos...e seTTiN uP oF e sTaGe tHiNgy...did noT iNvoLve e casT...sO e oNLy tHiNg wE coULd do...WaS to SiT aRouNd...TaLk n eNteRtaiN ouRseLvEs...NoT to FoRgeT...KeeP ouRseLveS WARM~e PLaCe is SUPER DUPER COLD...sO PLeaSe reMeMbeR...to BriNg a jaCkeT aLoNg~sO LiKe tHiS we sLaCk...aRouNd tiLL liKe 3 or 4pM...riGht noW wE weRe...KiNd oF BoRed to...EnTeRtaiN ouRseLveS aNy FurtHeR...aT LaSt wE cOuLd bE...GuiNea PiGs to tesT ouT e LigHtiNgs...e sTaGe LiGhts theRe...weRe ReaLLy kiNd oF diFF...froM otHeR sTaGe LigHtiNgs i've seeN...tHeRe aRe reaLLy aLL...SoRts oF "MatcH-miX maKinG"...thaT couLd b doNe...n seRiousLy...e SpoTLigHts weRe reaLLy...KiNd of MesMerisIng...buT iT suRe is...SuPeR dUpeR GLaRiNg...n wHeN iTs TiMe...FoR LigHts ouT...e PLaCe iS LiKe PiTcH BLaCk LoRz~!deN theRe waS thiS parT...wheRe i neeDeD tO exiT...sUpeR QuiCkLy wHen LigHts OuT...i feLt LiKe a BLiNd maN...PuTTin my HaNds ouT...tO aLLoW mYseLf to...to BaNG intO e waLL to exiT LoRz~ReaL fuN todaY...wiTh aLL e LauGhteR...CraPPin...n sHaRiNg...buT yeT whEn wE Left...aT bouT 6+....aLmoSt aLL weRe sUpeR tiReD...i GueSS iTs JuZ cuS'...wE PraCtiCaLLy did NoThiNg...FoR e whOLe daY...ThaT caUseD e TiRedNesS...IroNiC hoRz?OnE oF e ManY TiMes wHeRe wE weRe haVing a HeaRt-to-heaRt taLk~tHiS is hoW BLacK BoX LooKs liKe wiThouT e CuRtaiNs draWn~e CasT waiTiN in LiNe tO be GuiNea PiGs~So CoLd...waD aM i waiTiN foR~BeauTiFuL LiGhtiNgs~Me n AnviTa pLaYiNg uNdeR e SpoTLigHts~Ok..PLay Too muCh le...GeTTin BoRed~oN e waY bacK to e MRT...me n ViVieN saW thiS...SuPeR GoRgeouS XmaS treE...puT uP by Soo Kee JeweLry...at ParCo BuGis JuNcTioN...u ReaLLy goTTa sEE iT foR uRseLf~ReaLLy LoVe iT maNz~WiSh i couLd oWn iT...***DreaM...
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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