beeN waNtiN to do...tHiS foR a veRy LoNg tiMe...aT 0200 Hrs...i weNt doWnsTaiRs to...Do my LaTe payMent...foR my iNsuRaNce...wHich waS mY pri oBjeCtive..foR goiNg ouT aT suCh Hrs~aFteR DoiN e paYmenT...aT e SAM maChiNe...i sToPPeD oVeR to CHEERS...n goT myseLf a cartoN of MiLk...wHiLe i waS oN mY waY hoMe...thiS roW oF LiGhts...CauGht mY aTTeNtioN...iT waS juZ a PreTTy siGht...MesMeriziNg...suBconciouSLy i juZ foLLoWeD iT...n sTroLLeD my waY to...tHe GardeN aT e BacK...oF my HouSe...toT oF siTTin...oN thiS beNcH as i OnCe diD...UnForTunaTeLy e wEt n e StaRs...aRe hiDiNg beHinD e cLouDs~neaRLy waNteD to foLLoW...thiS roW oF LiGhts...wHicH leaDs to e MaiN roaD...buT tt meaNs i wouLd...haVe sTraYeD too faR off~so i reTuRneD bacK...iF i foLLoWeD thiS roaD...i wouLd haVe deFiniTeLy...reaCheD hoMe uNdeR a miN...oF Cos i diDnt~eNdeD uP waLkiN...toWaRds e diRecTioN...oF my Pri sCh...uNdeR this LigHt...i waS admiRiN...e raiNdroPs as theY faLL...tHouGh thiS piC doesNt shOw iT...e eFfecT waS niCe aNywaY~NeeDeD to cRosS e reaCh my scH...YuP...i waS sTaNdiN...iN e MiddLe oF e RoaDs...TakiNg thesE 2 PiCs...mY Pri scH...oF cos i neeDeD to cRoss geT hoMe...waS waiTin foR a caB to pass by...deN e uncLe sLoweD dowN...GueSs he waS i NeeDeD a caB...aNotHeR aMusiN thiNg...afTer crossiNg e roaD...i juZ waLkeD aLoNg thE roaD...foLLowiN e roaD inTo...e caRpaRk which leaDs to my blK...deN i saW a PoLicE CaR exiTin..froM e carpaRk opposiTe...sO i quiCkeNed my paCe abiT...GuesS waD...e RoaDs wErE suPeR e PoLicE CaR couLd haVe...DroVe oFF iMMediaTeLy...BuT it DIDnT~i threW a feW GLaNces bacK...n kePt seeiN it sTatioNary therE...iN e ExaCt saMe poSiTioN...aS i haVe 1st seeN iT~so i "bLuFF bLuFF" waLk inTo a BLk...iT was oNLy theN did theY Left...i reCkoN u uNdeRstaNd...waD thaT tHeY weRe thiNkiN~i tooK anotHeR rouNd bouT roUte...n i noTiCe thiS waLL undEr a VoiD deCk...GueSs theY feLt e waLLs...weRe toO wHiTe???its KiNd oF cuTe tHouGh...e RouTe leaDin (finaLLy) to mY bLk...e LiFt waiTiN foR mE~NoT sO faSt...HaVe to taKe moRe PiCs...tHiS iS e PaTh i taKe eVerYdaY...e WaLLs aRe paiNteD...SuPeR cuTe n PreTTy...cos oF CDAC unDeR my bLk~No LifTs todaY~tooK e sTaiRs uP...ReaChiN e coRRidOrs...YuP...cLiMbeD 6 fLooRs...buT i sTaY on 8th fLooR...sTiLL goT 3 moRe FLiGhts...RePorTiN tiMe hoMe: 0330~soMetiMes liFe is so heCtiC...n too fasT-PaCed...thaT ppL teNd to miSs ouT...oN e beaUty oF LiFe...n aLL e woNdeRfuL thiNgs...suRRoUndiN uS wHicH...wE daY-by-daY teNd to NegLecT...n taKe theM foR graNteD...iTs niCe to juz sLoW doWn...OnCe iN a evEn eNjoY e fResH aiR...e raiNdroPs faLLiN oN uR faCe...n aLLow uRseLf to...iNduLge iN theSe SeeMiNgLy sMaLL n iNsigNifiCant sTuff~My Night sTroLL...aT mY faV tiMe oF e DaY~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
darling i think you are damn right. I wish i could do that too then we can have a good time sharing.. Too bad hall is too small and my house locks people in at night (tigeress of a mum)..mY obs instructor said living in singapore is like living in boxes. But i realize its the same in China. I render its just a state of mind, don't you agree?
By Anonymous, at 1:36 AM
you SuRe couLd saY tt aGain~
By PaMyZ, at 8:45 PM
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