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January 15, 2007
~ 18:41
HarDwoRkiN eH~

***OpeNs eYe wiDeR...BLiNks...
PaMeLa HaRDwoRKIN???!!!
aRe u sUre???!!!

noW i'm teLLiN u...
sTraiGht to uR faCe...

toDaY a cerTaiN freN oF miNe...
waS teLLiN anotHeR freN...
saYiN tt iF sHe weRe to...
puT soMe maKe-uP...
shE wouLd deFiniteLy looK prettieR...
to wHicH leD me to thiS oLd SaYin...
theRe are nO preTTy geRs...
(to geT riD of sexisM...or guyS as weLL)
JuZ LaZy oR HaRdwoRkiN geRs~
(oR soMethiN to tt extenD~)
to tt...i wouLD sTroNgLy AGreE~!

i haVe seeN freNz who haVe...
terribLe sKiN aFteR takiN muCh eFFoRt...
iT beComeS so muCh niCer...
n iT maKes theM looK preTTieR toO~
oR mYseLf wHeRe mY haiR...
is daMaGeD LiKe heLL aFteR peRmiN...
to whiCh i taKe greaT meaNs...
to nurTuRe iT bacK to "HeaLtH"~
u caN suRe asK tt frM my freNz~

LisTeN uP ppL~
foR thoSe oF u wHo haVe saiD...
tt i haVe niCe sKiN or haiR beFore~
i wouLd teLL u tt iT does noT...
naTuaLLy or wiThouT soMe eFForT~

i wouLd haVe to aDmiT tt...
i haVe a niCe compLexioN frm younG...
buT tt doEs noT meaN...
tt i do noT haVe baD skiN as weLL~
i dO haVe an oiLy T-ZoNe aRea...
n e resT wHicH are drY zoNes...
wheN i do noT takE care or NegLecT my skiN...
e T-ZoNe juz geTs oiLieR...
e resT juz geTs DrieR...
resULtiN in oCcaSioNaL...
HuGe ziTs PoPPiN ouT...
n e peeLiN of sKin~

e ProCeSs oF taKin caRe oF my sKiN...
taKes uP a HUgE buLk oF my tiMe...
duRinG my baThs...
bouT 10-15mins~
wHicH incLuDes exFoLiaTioN & cLeasNin...
uNdeR waRm waTeR...
aFteR whiCh toWaRds e eNd of my BatH...
i wouLd swiTcH iT to exTreMe coLd waTeR...
to tiGhteN up e PoRes...
tt's not e eNd~
i sTiLL neeD to appLy my toNeR...
in soMe cases wHeN...
my skiN geTs a biT oiLieR...
i wouLd puT on aLoE VeRa GeL~
noT to foRgeT mY moisTuriZeR...
n foLLoWin bY my NiGht cReaM...
beFoRe my sLp...
oCcasionaLLy i do puT oN MasKs...
oR go foR my FaCiaLs...

tHinK iTs trouBLesoMe...
waiT tiLL i moVe oN to my haiR~

e sHamPoo & coNdiTioNeR i use...
aRe caReFuLLy cHoseN to eNsuRe...
tt my haiR feeLs weLL moisTurizeD...
aT tiMes i usE a...
ToTaL RePaiR HaiR TreaTmeNt...
aS my daiLy coNdiTioNeR...
aFteR sHamPooiN my HaiR...
e condiTioNeR is leFt in my haiR...
foR bouT 10-15 mins to aBsorB...
to wHicH iT wouLd b riNseD oFF...
in exTreMe coLd waTeR...
juZ liKe my sKiN~
(noW u noE whY i taKe suCh LoNg baThs~)

noT oVeR yeT~
aFteR toweLeD drY...
i sTiLL haVe to aPPLy...
2 tHiNgs to leaVe inTo the HaiR...
1 foR coLouR caRe...
e otHeR is a DaMageD haiR reBuiLdeR...
mY haiR is deN faiThfuLLy lefT...
to drY uNdeR e faN foR 2-3 hrs...
a haiR drYeR is ToTaLLy NoT in my LisT~

i seLdoM go ouT of e hsE wiTh my weT haiR...
as wheN my haiR is in e dryiN process...
there are ofteN FLyaWaYs...
to wHicH mY bruSh is aLwaYs on e sTandBy~
n i wOuLd aVoiD goiNg ouT...
oN e daY tt i wasH my haiR...
as i thiNk its sTiLL noT...
iN e coNdiTioN tt i LiKe...
YuP...i haVe a tiMiN foR my haiR...
whiCh i thinK afteR LyiN doWn...
oN my haiR foR a NiTe...
wouLd maKe iT niCeR n moRe maNageaBLe~
eVeN beFoRe leaViN e HsE...
i sTiLL haVe to appLy an oiL...
to maKe iT LeSs drY~

thiNk tt's aLL to iT?
NaH~ tHeRe aRe stiLL otheR...
ProCeduRes noT toLd yeT~
foR aLL e woRk doNe...
i wouLd haVe to giVe CreDiT to MyseLf~
***PaTs BaCk~

CaLL iT teDiouS...HigH-maiNteNanCe...
CaLL me zi-LiaN oR VaiN~
iT haS soMe soRt becoMe a...
BaSic thiNg in mY LiFe...
whicH i LovE to caLL iT PaMpeRin...
i gueSs tt's whY i'm caLLeD PaM as WeLL~

so duN juZ coMpLaiN...
bouT hoW uN-pRetty u feeL...
oR aLwaYs eNvYin soMeoNe...
GeT sTaRteD!
Do sOmeThiNg bouT iT~!
to wHiCh briNgs me to...
i GueSs i neeD to aDD...
ExeRciSe to mY daiLy ReGimeN aS weLL...
Esp wiTh my moTivaToR goNe...

N aLL i WanT iS . . .



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The Tao of Love - Jiang Hong





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NiGht StroLL~
6 mtHs LaTeR~
iN aPPreCiaTioN
FiNaL PeRfoRmaNcE~!!!
LiGhTs oN~!
SpiLLeD MiLk~!
On tHe VeRgE.


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