January 28, 2007
~ 02:45
StaRt oF aLL 21st~
e sTaRt of e daY...
waS kaYakiN aGaiN...
coS ClaRenCe waS noT weLL yet...
we deCided to posTpoNe...
e 2 sTaR KayaKiN finaL daY assessmenT...
to e followiN saT...
kiNd of saD...
coS goiNg to dO my haiR liaOz...
deN my haiR miGht geT ruiN...
buT on e otheR haNd...
iT meaNs tt todaY was...
a FREE haLf daY of fuN kaYakiN foR us...
noT tt baD afteRaLL...
3 woRds to suMMarise kaYaKiN...
I LoVe EsKiMo~!
aFter tt weNt dowN to my seC sCh freN...
MaNfreD's placE foR hiS 21st celebratioN...
reacH theRe bouT 730++...
tot i was LaTe loRz...
i waS wroNg...
ouT oF the maNy ppL i kneW...
onLy HoNg taT n JiNg kai reaChed there...
so i waS kiNd of siaN ouT...
MaNfreD oso inviteD hiS...
sofTbaLL freNz froM teMaseK...
peeps liKe ChaRLes, FirDaus, Jun JiaNg....
n eVen ShaBir wHo caMe laTeR in e niTe...
basiCaLLy e whOLe grP oF theM...
weRe guys loRz~
haD to eNduRe theRe...
trYin to taLk moRe to hoNg tat & jiNg kai...
n waTcH e S'pore soCCer maTch...
tt e whoLe gaNg of theM weRe waTchin...
bouT 830++ aT LaSt...
ClaRiCe n tHieN fui arriVed...
oH maN...hoW gLaD was i to see theM...
feLt so muCh more coMfortaBLe...
weiRdLy iT seeMs liKe wE haVe...
muCh moRe thiNgs to taLk bouT...
comPareD to e pasT~
laTeR freDa aRRiveD...
foLLowiN by YaN LeNg...
wHeN YaN LenG reaCheD...
he waS suRpriseD to fiNd ouT...
tt iT waS MaNfreD's bdaE celeBratioN~!
SuPeR HiLaRiouS~!
iT aLL beGaN whEn i 1st...
meT uP wiTh MaNfreD...
n he meNtioNed tt he couLdnt...
coNtact YaN LenG...
so i gaVe ManfreD YL's new hp no...
so duRinG e caLL MaNfreD...
juz toLd YL to coMe dowN...
to pLaY maHjoNg n to joiN us...
to wHich he gLadLy agreeD...
eVen wheN JinG kai n HoNg taT...
wheN to feTcH YL...
theY didnT eveN meNtioN tt...
iT was foR ManfreD's bdae...
so YL juz assumeD tt it was a cLass gatheRing...
so oBviousLy he was shOckeD...
to reaLisE tt iT waS a 21st paRty...
he waS liKe fraNticaLLy tryiN to...
looK foR a BdaE gift foR him....
whicH he trieD to offeR a aLmonD puddiN...
as a BdaE preseNt...
buT it eveNtuaLLy enteReD hiS oWn sTomaCH~!
SuPeR fuNNy LorZ~!
aNywaY eNjoYed e resT of the niTe...
wE speNd tiMe taLkiN...
trYin to caTch uP wiTh oNe aNotheR...
LauGhin aT ouR fooLisH seC daYz...
tryiN to recaLL soMe otheR ppL...
whoM we neaRLy foRgeT...
n kePt tryiN to recaLL...
aLL ouR siTTin posiTionS...
we eVen caMe uP wiTh the suGGestioN...
oF drawiN up a MaP~
after tt we pLayeD maHjoNg...
n LeFt hiS plaCe at bouT 2am...
a GreaT tiMe oF gaTheriN....
whicH maDe me miss e pasT aLot...
buT tiMes moVe oN...
n we haVe moVed oN too...
CaNt waiT foR e nexT gatHeriN...
aT CeLina's parTy~!
so saD u canT joiN us caT~
buT i wouLd heLp u briNg...
ur preseNce aLonG wiTh me~
HeeZ ;P
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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