February 15, 2007
~ 17:31
SpoRts daY~!
woKe uP aT 0645...
suPPosed to be 0600 loRz...
so ruSh liKe siaO...
neeD to reaCh scH by 0830...
tooK e MRT...
n NO PLACE to SIT~!!!
sLePt oNLy liKe 4hrs laSt niTe...
so suPeR eXhaUsteD...
e 1st tHinG tt caMe to my miNd...
wheN i woKe up waS...
whY diD i sOOO reaDiLy aGree...
to KeiTh to heLp ouT aT sPoRts daY??!!
*sTaRtiN to reGreT~
(SporTs daY orGaNiseD by couNciL - eVeNts)
meT e peePs up aT e aTriuM..
n tooK a charteRed buS...
doWn to NTU~!!!
oH maN~ GeTTiN fuRtheR n fuRtheR...
aWaY frM HOME~!!!
hoW to gO hoMe laTeR??!!
*ReGreTTiN eVeN moRE~
theRe weRe 3 aCtivities...
goiN on coNcurreNtLy...
BasKetBaLL...CapTaiN baLL n SocceR~
i waS assiGneD to heLp ouT...
wiTh e basKetbaLL siDe - e ScoRin...
togeTheR wiTh AdrieLLe...
anotheR fresHie in eVents~
SuPeR easY joB...
actUaLLy i feLt tt i waS....
PracTicaLLy doiN notHin...
coS aDrieLLe waS e onE fLippiN e scOreboard...
Andy (eveNts) takiN doWn e scores...
JaMes (fresHie in EveNts) as reFeree...
n Me~ juZ siTTin arD waTchin e maTcH~
wheN theRe waS tiMe-ouT...
me n aDrieLLe wouLd juZ gO...
n pLay basKetbaLL togeTher...
maiNLy juZ tryIn to sHooT e baLL~
i oSo diD pLaY VoLLeYbaLL...
wiTh JohnnY n 2 otHer neW ppL...
i meT todaY - Joanne n KeLvin~
coS oF V-BaLL...
i haVe a feW oRh-cHe (bLuE-bLacK)...
oN my aRms - LyiN in a StraiGht roW~
seRiouSLy... i thiNk e fooD...
frM maKansuTra yesTerdaY goT proB lorz~
didNt reaLLy eaT anythiN e whoLe morN...
excePt foR a waFFLe...
n mY stoMacH waS giviN me proBs...
someTimEs it feeLs like gaStric PaNgs...
deN it goeS awaY...
at TiMe iT feeLs liKe stoMacH paiN...
deN it disappeaRs sooN...
theRe are tiMes wheN...
iT feeLs liKe i aTe too mucH chiLLi...
n my stoMaCh juz buRns uP...
n foR ur infO...
i didnT aTe mucH chiLLi yesTeRdaY~
yuP...defiNiteLy coS of gLuTToN fooD~
wHeNeveR JaMes frM SR caMe oveR...
to taLk to uS...
iT waS veRy funny~
i waS LikE compLaiNin to hiM...
tt i waS suPeR tireD...
noT enouGh sLeep...
me: "i sLepT at 2am lasT niTe leHz"
JaMes: "eveRyonE eLse sLepT aT 3am lasT niTe"
me: "buT i woKe up aT 6++am todaY LeHz~"
JaMes: "eveRyoNe eLse woKe up aT 5am todaY~"
JaMes: "so u wouLdnt b as eXhausteD as Us~"
DiaOz~!!! FaiNt~!!!
deN he waS liKe tryiN...
to teaCh us hiS ausT-LiNgo...
'No woRRies'...
so ouR coNveRsatioN kepT goiNg liKe...
no wOrrieS...no woRries...
aRouNd theSe feW woRds...
deN aDrieLLe poiNted ouT to us...
tt e coNversaTion waS geTTin NoWheRe~
e ReD buLL proMoteRs caMe doWn todaY...
n gaVe aLL of uS freE caNs of reD buLL...
e bLue n whiTe caN onE~
saYiN tt iT wouLd increaSe...
ouR eNergY leVeL by 20%~!
iT eNded quiTe eaRLy liKe at 2++...
to mY deLigHt....
i maNaGeD to fouNd GaRy...
anotHeR fresHie in SR...
who waS driViN...
n he liVes in taMp...
so i maNaGed to geT a LifT frM hiM~!!!
tHz a miLLioN~!!!
haha...aNdy (MnP & kaYakin) buai TaHaN me~
waS tryiN noT to taN myseLf...
agaiN afteR aLL e KayaKin...
seeMs liKe i aM noT...
doiN myseLf aNy jusTice~
enD of daY...
i duN reGreT goiN to sPorTs daY :)
*foR ur inFo...
theRe weRe 2 JaMes n 2 aNdy beiNg meNtiOned...
JaMes e fresHie in eVeNts n JaMes e sTaLe-lisT frM SR...
Andy frM eveNts...n aNdy frM kaYak n MnP~
JaMes (fresHie), aDrieLLe n Me trYin to sQueezE inTo e seLf-takeN piC~
trYiN to taKe eVideNce to sHow tt i waS preseNt at sPorTs daY~!
wiTh ouR sCoreBoaRd~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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