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February 11, 2007
~ 15:00
IniTiaTioN daY~

studeNt counciL iniTiatioN daY....
staRted on saT 10/2...
weNt to pasir ris beacH...
foR our gaMes n cHaleT...
at soMe aPartmeNt-like pLace~

coMpared to lasT yr's one...
it waS supeR mucH toNed doWn...
n loTs of saNd n seawaTeR...
n juZ geTTiN dizzY in onE of e gaMes~

e fuNNiesT parT waS onE e niGht waLk...
wheRe e studeNt reLatioN (SR) peeps...
maDe us waLK into thiS daRk patH...
n trY to sCare us laHz~
e guyS go insiDe aLoNe...
geRs in PaiRs...
heaRd quiTe a feW sHrieKs loRz~

so whiLe waiTin foR ouR turN...
CLaRa caMe bacK laTe...
sO thiS cuTe guY sebasTiaN (haha ^^)...
n his dunno who freN...
wheN to picK her up...
e SR had manageD to creaTe soMe...
CreePy viBes in soMe of theM...
so wheN e 2 guyS saw CLara...
(theY did not noe who cLara was at tt time)

they were likE...
"eh...she got shadow???"
"er...yah yah..."
"touchiN grouNd or noT???"
"hmmm...yah yah"
as theY weRe ruBBin theiR chiNs...
whiLe looKin at Clara's directiOn...
CLara was liKe thinkin...
'r they baD guys or noT???'
'wiLL they roB me???'
so fuNnY~

i reaLLy pitY e SR ppL...
wheN it waS me n Clara's turN...
to do e niGht waLk...
coS botH of us were not scareD...
as we eNteRed inside...
we were like enjoyin e atmospheRe...
taLkin n laugHin our waY in...
(laTer someonE toLd us...
e ppL ouTside were liKe...
how come this 2 gers go inside laugHin?)
i waS liKe looKin up iN e sKy...
teLLin ClaRa bouT e sTars...
deN i saW thiS 'gHosT' ruNNing...
towaRds us suPer fasT...
oF cos i toLd CLara tt theRe...
waS a ghoSt tryiN to sCare us...
PooR JaMes...e uNsuccessFuL gHosT~
he waS trYin to b veRy sCary...
deN me n CLaRa kePt lauGhin at him~!

we coNtinueD stroLLin towaRds...
a towEr whiCh we neeDed to go up...
theRe was anotHer ghosT hidiN...
beHind a piLLar trYin to scare uS...
buT i noTiced him...
n poinTed hiM ouT to CLaRa...
so aNotHer FaiLuRe~

whiLe cliMbin up e sTaiR...
2 sLippeRs feLL frm e top...
tryiN to sPooK uS...
me: "soMeoNe droP theiR sLippEr
frM upsTaiRs leHz~
who throW onE aHz???
wheRe wheRe???"
cLara: "there~"
(poiNtiN to a loNg-haiRed feMaLe
ghosT whO didNt moVe at aLL...
aLot of ppL tot she waS e mosT
FriGhteNin onE~)
me: "oooH~"

i waS walkiN arouNd e coRneR...
of e sTaiRs wheN a ghosT...
LyiN doWn on e flooR...
graBBed my aNkLe...
me (unsTartLed): "carefuL aH...
be caRefuL okiE...i donT waNNa
steP on u~"
aT thiS poiNT in tiMe...
boTh of us haVe aLreaDy reaChed...
e toP of e towEr n weRe...
quiTe LosT at waD to do...
so wE kePt askiN e ghosT quesTioNs...
ClaRa: "Do we haVe to coLLecT somethiN?"
me: "aRe we suPPosed to go off noW?"
basicaLLy we kepT repeaTin this 2 liNes....
deN e shE-ghosT repLieD...
iN heR MOST-HUMAN voicE~
"You caN go off noW~"

i thiNk e SR ppL supeR siaN diaO...
with boTh us of loRz...
buT theY did maNaGe to scaRe...
soMe gerS in froNt of us~
so theY haVe theiR faiR sharE of fuN~

basicaLLy sTudeNt counciL...
is seParateD into 3 deparTmeNts...
StudenT ReLatioN (SR)...
eVenTs...MarKetiN & ProMotion (MnP)

SR orGaniseS activiTies maiNLy...
foR e couNciLLors oNLy...
like thiS intiaTion daY thingY...
EveNts hoLds eveNts foR...
e RMIT sTudeNt bodY as a whoLe...
MnP does marKetiN n sTuff...
theY oso do e RMIT maGaziNe...
i goT intO EveNts...
Clara n NizaM goT intO SR~

whiLe doiN e intrO withiN my depaRtment...
e eveNts heaDs were likE...
eH...muZ oso teLL us uR traFFic LigHt~
GreeN, aMbeR or reD LigHt?
haha...it waS meaNt to signifY...
uR cuRReNt mariTaL sTaTus~

eaCh deparTment haS soMe...
kiNd oF aTmosPheRe or Qi feN~
SR- e CaMwHores~
EveNts - e GaMbLeRs~
MnP- moRe toNed dowN peePs
mY eveNts head KeiTh...
waS liKe teaChin us hoW to pLaY TeXas~
iTs a kiNd of pokeR caRd gaMe...
tt is pLayeD in CasiNos...
QuiTe fuN n iNteRestiN~

deN insiDe e rooM...
e otheRs wEre liKe pLaYin...
anoTher gaMe n iF u LosE u haVe to driNk~
groUnd ruLes...u caNt saY e woRds...
DrinK draNk druNk...he i sHe~
basiCaLLy i duN hoLd aLcoHoL weLL...
sO i draNk liKe 2 cuPs...
n voMiteD liKe 4 tiMes~!
to whicH NizaM gLadLy heLp me...
sPreaD thiS neWs arD e cLass~
i thiNk JaMes diD e saMe thiNg lOrz~!
(duRin sPorTs daY~)

a MiseRaBLe LoNeLy pHoTo oF mY grP foR e daY gaMes... wiTh soMe eXtraS...LiKe JusTiN~(e suPeR smiLeY guY neaResT to e wiNdoW...mY eVents head aS weLL)

N aLL i WanT iS . . .



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*2008 SpeciaLs*

5th Jan 2008
A Special Memory for Life
The Tao of Love - Jiang Hong





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GrouP ouTiNg~
CeLiNa's 21st~
Up n MoViN OnWaRd~!!!
BroKen frieNdship.
NeW HaiRsTyLe~!
StaRt oF aLL 21st~
LosT e CoRneRs~
mY faV woRd: CLs~


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