February 03, 2007
~ 23:59
CeLiNa's 21st~
afteR e fiNaL daY of kaYaK...
receiVin e cHeaP sKate (quoTed frM aNdy)...
pC of paPer oF ceRtificaTe...
foR e 3 sTar course...
waS sUpeR sHaggeD wheN...
i reaCh Celina cHalet...
togeTher wiTh thieN fui, ClaricE n ManfreD...
aT soMe oo-LoO plaCe...
caLLeD dunno waD NatiOnal service...
waDeVa it iS...
iTs at taNah meraH....
suPeR haRd to geT theRe n ouT tOO~
ceLina reaLLy tooK aLot of effoRt...
in prepariNg her bdaE partY....
e inTernaL n exteRnaL waLLs weRe likE...
decoRateD wiTh whiTe, pinK puRpLe...
BaLLooNs aLonG wiTh sTreaMers...
n shE waS dreSseD to the nines...
in a tuBe dreSs n heR haiR...
waS doNe uP verY GlaM-isH...
aLonG wiTh a croWn on heR heaD...
oF coS noT forgeTin her maKe-uP...
sHe reaLLy waS e maiN focuS foR e niTe...
thiS time moRe 4/2 ppL caMe...
besiDes those 3 ppL mentioneD earLier...
Xueyu, Hafiz, Hong tat, Hong Keat,
Wendy, Melissa, Renee, Chin Yuan, Marlyna
YaN LenG couLdnt maKe iT cos...
he haD to booK inTo camP...
n freDa cos oF her bz scHeduLe...
Hafiz waS liKe teLLin us...
tt he toT he saW YoNg sHenG aKa soTonG...
oN one of e daYz...
n he beCaMe veRy musCuLaR...
aLL oF us weRe liKe freaKeD ouT...
CaNt imaGine his faCe wiTh tt typE of bodY~
haha...we r so baD~
buT yaH...eWWW~ GroSS~
buT haFiz did noT caLL ouT to hiM...
ScaReD tt regcoNise wRonG peRsoN~
aS usuaL we haNged arounD...
taLkiN anD eaTin togeTheR...
n wE LoVe to caMp arouNd...
e chocoLatE foNduE FouNtaiN~!!!
suCh tt whEn iT waS time foR...
thE hiGheR chiNesE cLass ppL...
to taKe piCs wiTh CeLiNa...
HoNg keaT was suPeR reLuctaNt...
to leaVe iT~!!!
wHeN iT was tiMe to siNg e bdaE soNg...
eVeRyone was liKe giVen poppeRs n streaMers...
to poP theM aftEr e soNg...
suPer graNd loRz...
den e funnY paRt caMe afTer e soNg...
wheN CeLina's auNt annouNceD...
"WhicH guy wouLd likE to giVe CeLiNa a kiSS?"
PooR hoNg KeaT waS e VicTiM~!!!
maNfreD n HoNg taT beiNg e rowDy ones....
seeiNg tt hoNg keat waS likE juz...
coNvenieNtLy sTaNdin in froNt of theM...
kePt puShin hiM towaRds CeLiNa...
n of cos me, Fui, ClaRice n MaRLyna...
diD noT miSSeD ouT on e fuN~
wE kePt caLLiN ouT hiS naMe...
asKin hiM to go oVeR n kisS CeLiNa~!
SuPeR roWdY n ChoaTic~!!!
haha...buT u shLd haVe beeN there...
to sEE hoNg keaT's reaCtioN...
so fuNNy...
he kePt tryiN to maiNtaiN hiS posiTion...
buT beiNg e smaLLeR siZe...
of coS he goT pusHed to e centre...
in e enD he did noT kiSS heR...
he juZ kePt smiLin...
sHakeD CeliNa's haNd n offeReD...
heR e parTy haT tt waS coNvenienTLy...
on the taBLe~!
haha...veRy funny~
naT caMe onLy afteR e soNg...
coS of heR busY scheduLe...
theRe waS thiS paRt...
wheRe befoRe we weRe leaVin e pLace...
ChiN YuaN picKed up e mic...
n decideD to staRt siNgiN to a soNg...
fuI n ClaRice were likE...
LeTs sTaRt LeaVing...
n u noE waD~
Nat pLucKeD ouT e MIC~!!!
Gd moVe geR~!!!
oH yaH caT...
soMe of uR NPCC freNz caMe...
Wee kiaT, Xing wei, SuK ChiNg...
n oNe moRe guY tt looKs veRy famiLiar~
u noE e whoLe niTe...
i waS likE uR iNfoRmeR...
rePorTiN ur aBseNce~
noT to meNtioN...
saYiN hoW muCh i eNvy u...
n aLL e fuN u r goiNg to haVe...
touRin US n sHoPPiN @ ToKyo~! ;P
miSs aLL e fuN wiTh seC frenz...
hoPe we wouLd meeT up sooN aGain~
SoMe pICs & uPdaTes~
ThieN fui greW eVeN thiNNer frM e LasT tiMe u (caT) lasT saW heR @ RouGe~
ClaRice...stiLL looK e saMe...noW in NTU wiTh fui~
MaNfreD juZ ORD...goiN to accouNtin couRse @ NTU saMe as Fui...he iS keePin thiS beaRd of hiS...tt maDe EVERYONE coMpLaiN bouT iT n aSkiN him to triM it at leaSt...eveN hiS gf LorZ...buT giVen hiS charaCteR...he's stiLL noT goiN to do anythiN bouT iT~ haha...stiLL e saMe as lasT tiMe...wheN e 1st time i saW hiM @ his bdae paRty...e 1st woRd tt caMe to my mind was...GoaT~!!!
MarLyna juz caMe back noT long ago...frM her studIes in PerTh on pyscHology...she wiLL b returNin bacK on e 21st this mtH~ n shE sTiLL usEs heR faV phraSe as in sEc "foR fun laugHter peace n joy~" (if i am not wrong)
HoNg keaT n hiS saMe oLd dimpLeS n hiS coLd joKes~
BdaE geR looKiN aLL GLaMMed-up~ she's currently in NIE~
XueYu in NTU...canT remembeR heR course...soMethiN to do witH biOLogY~ she stiLL looKs e saMe...noT mucH diff~
HoNg taT...as taLL as eVeR~ i waS tippiN toes...n he waS likE bendiN dowN...duN seeM to b e caSe riTE?
ChiN YuaN...noT mucH diFF as weLL...buT he droVe a LexuS oVeR okiE~! n i waS likE heLpiN hiM aNNouNce thiS to eVeRyoNe~! Haha~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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