March 14, 2007
~ 00:23
DBS Arts Centre~
yesterday council organized an...
amazing race-like event called Southern Sprint...
helped out as a game master....
super tired but lots of fun as well~
onLy todaY did i reaLise tt...
i becaMe a mosquito feeD as weLL~
had like bout 8 mosquito bites LoRz...
scraTch likE siaO~
afTer scH wenT to checK ouT...
e theatre @ DBS Arts Centre...
iTs e begining of e searcH foR...
e perFecT theatrE foR our draMa production~
qi yun, wei xiong, valiant & me~
e technician tt helped us waS...
VerY nicE & friendLy...
shoWed us arounD e placE...
whicH seemeD like a mazE...
aS theY had aLot of hiddeN dooRwaYs...
foR e bacKstaGe...
e theatrE seats bout 380 ppL...
wiTh suPeR SUPER coMfy seaTs...
n iTs 2-storey~
e souNd systeM waS noT baD as weLL...
n is supeR weLL equipeD...
e onLy fLaw waS tt e sTage...
waS sLighTLy smaLL...
n e whoLe reNtaL thinGy is kinD of eX...
n musT waLk likE 15 mins to get theRe...
me...QY & WX nearLy goT LoSt loRz~!
yuP...but stiLL haVe to go analyse previous
yrs' budget n compare theM...
together witH e upcomin theatres tt...
we wouLd b checKin ouT as weLL~
afTeR tt vaLiant left foR worK...
n e resT of us decide to go to QY...
working place - Awfully Chocolate...
to eat e $3 ice-cream there...
iTs reaLLy reaLLy suPer YuMMy LoRz...
veRy chocolaTeY...creaMy....
n oF coS sUPeR siNfuL~
anywaY in e eNd we didnT eveN...
haVe to paY for iT~! FOC~!!!
n we eveN had an additionaL cuP to sHare...
cos theY weRe tryin to cLeaR up...
soMe of e ice-creaM~
CooL~! haha~
QY waS likin asKin us happy or not~
i was like sHuaNg~!
BuT noT shuang as weLL~
sO faTTeNiN~!
haha..but once in a whiLe laHz hoRz...
neeD to geT bacK to my exercise sooN~
QY tooK MRT wiTh me tiLL...
Eunos where she alighted...
den i was soooo tireD...
tt i overslept to Pasir Ris station...
n if i am not wrong...
i think someone woke me up...
oF cos haVe to remaiN there...
so tt can U-Turn bacK...
buT u noE waD...
i oveRsLepT tiLL TanaH meRah~ have to U-TurN bacK agaiN~
sO easiLy tireD recenTLy....
i aM beginnin to feeL sLeepy already...
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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