March 23, 2007
~ 21:55
LoVin' WuYueTiaN!!!
weNt kbox witH naT todaY...
afteR noT seeiN her foR sOOOO LonG~
den got NUS promo leHz~!!!
$10/neT!!! with 2 drinks...
can onLy sinG tiLL 7pm...
buT its super super worth it LoRz~
LuckiLy i oso can get e promo...
deN i keep tellin naT bouT WuYueTian...
tt i think she got psycho-ed by me...
into likin WuYueTian as weLL~!
haha~!!! i'm gD maNz~!
heez...e woNdeRs of adveRtisiN~
naT naT...this is e funnY vid i was telliN ya bouT~
WuYueTian weNt to a variety show...
- Zhong Yi Da Ge Da
bouT 6 mins...
BeLow e 3 videos r continuous 1...
buT if u no time...
see e 1st & LasT onE will do~
thiS oNe shoWs glimpse of their past concert...
n oso got shoW e proposal parT~!
bouT 22 mins...
if u waNNa noe more bouT theM...
shLd see this vid as weLL~ 18 mins...
there's onE paRt herE wheRe Ah Shin...
the leaD sinGer teacHes how to siNg...
veRy fuNNy~ bouT 11 mins...
e musiC videOs i menTioneD aRe
in my previouS posTin
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
March 20, 2007
~ 22:52
The Special One
HappY 21st BdaE CaT~!!!
thiS SpeciaL sPeciaL daY...
is DedicaTed foR U~!!!
hoW me & naT wisH tt...
we couLd b witH ya now...
ceLebraTin foR ya~
going to NYC sounds gd tOO!
haVe LoTs & LoTs of thiNgs tt...
i waNNa teLL ya...
buT wiLL keep it shoRt here...
juZ waNNa taKe e chaNce to thaNk yoU...
foR beariNg witH me...
at tiMes when i waS insenTive & hurt ur feeLings...
at tiMes when i suLked & showeD 'blacK face'...
at tiMes wheN i was irratating (heez)...
at tiMes wheN i aM so insufferaBLe...
foR beiNg theRe foR me...
at tiMes when i was down...
at tiMes i just needed someone...
at tiMes when i aM frusTrateD...
at tiMes when i neeDed a listening ear...
mosT importaNtLy...
foR jusT beinG my deaR deaR freN...
wHo aLwaYs supporTs me :)
LoVe ya GeR~
Miss ya Lots...
EnjoY ur SpeciaL daY in NYC~!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
March 17, 2007
~ 21:20
Wu Yue Tian - Mayday MV~!!!
this particular MV is mY faV...
goT hooKed oN to e sOng afTer...
CatChin iT on TV...
iT maDe me likE Mayday...
VeRy NiCe soNg...n CuTe MV...
LooK ouT fOr e LeaD siNger - Ah Shin
he exuDes ouT aloT of CharisMa...
in thIs soNg - Wo You Chu Lian Le...
direct TransLation - My 1st Love Again
somethin like tt...
Wo You Chu Lian Le
anotHer nicE soNg...
loVe e GuiTarS~
Xiang Shui - Perfume (direct translation)
Wu Yue Tian - Wei Ai Er Sheng
Mayday - Born to Love
Zhui Zhong Yao De Xiao Shi
- The Most Important Thing
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
~ 20:30
FuNNy VideO
fouNd a videO on YouTube...
Wu Yue Tian aka Mayday went to...
Wu Zhong Xian (Jacky Wu) show...
n they tease their lead singer Ah Shin...
supEr fuNNy~
Wu Tue TiaN tryin to make coLd joKes...
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
March 14, 2007
~ 00:23
DBS Arts Centre~
yesterday council organized an...
amazing race-like event called Southern Sprint...
helped out as a game master....
super tired but lots of fun as well~
onLy todaY did i reaLise tt...
i becaMe a mosquito feeD as weLL~
had like bout 8 mosquito bites LoRz...
scraTch likE siaO~
afTer scH wenT to checK ouT...
e theatre @ DBS Arts Centre...
iTs e begining of e searcH foR...
e perFecT theatrE foR our draMa production~
qi yun, wei xiong, valiant & me~
e technician tt helped us waS...
VerY nicE & friendLy...
shoWed us arounD e placE...
whicH seemeD like a mazE...
aS theY had aLot of hiddeN dooRwaYs...
foR e bacKstaGe...
e theatrE seats bout 380 ppL...
wiTh suPeR SUPER coMfy seaTs...
n iTs 2-storey~
e souNd systeM waS noT baD as weLL...
n is supeR weLL equipeD...
e onLy fLaw waS tt e sTage...
waS sLighTLy smaLL...
n e whoLe reNtaL thinGy is kinD of eX...
n musT waLk likE 15 mins to get theRe...
me...QY & WX nearLy goT LoSt loRz~!
yuP...but stiLL haVe to go analyse previous
yrs' budget n compare theM...
together witH e upcomin theatres tt...
we wouLd b checKin ouT as weLL~
afTeR tt vaLiant left foR worK...
n e resT of us decide to go to QY...
working place - Awfully Chocolate...
to eat e $3 ice-cream there...
iTs reaLLy reaLLy suPer YuMMy LoRz...
veRy chocolaTeY...creaMy....
n oF coS sUPeR siNfuL~
anywaY in e eNd we didnT eveN...
haVe to paY for iT~! FOC~!!!
n we eveN had an additionaL cuP to sHare...
cos theY weRe tryin to cLeaR up...
soMe of e ice-creaM~
CooL~! haha~
QY waS likin asKin us happy or not~
i was like sHuaNg~!
BuT noT shuang as weLL~
sO faTTeNiN~!
haha..but once in a whiLe laHz hoRz...
neeD to geT bacK to my exercise sooN~
QY tooK MRT wiTh me tiLL...
Eunos where she alighted...
den i was soooo tireD...
tt i overslept to Pasir Ris station...
n if i am not wrong...
i think someone woke me up...
oF cos haVe to remaiN there...
so tt can U-Turn bacK...
buT u noE waD...
i oveRsLepT tiLL TanaH meRah~ have to U-TurN bacK agaiN~
sO easiLy tireD recenTLy....
i aM beginnin to feeL sLeepy already...
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
March 12, 2007
~ 03:22
I aM Bo LiaO too~
You are The Star
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
~ 03:07
juz saW e All English Championship...
foR baDminton & mY faV
Lin Dan & Xie Xing Fang...
WoN again~!!! YeaH~!!!
aiyo...everytiMe afteR i waTch...
a BadminTon tournaMent...
i wiLL b itchiN to plaY...
anyoNe wiLLiN to PLaY...
BaDminTon wiTh Me???
N aLL i WanT iS . . .