*e AcT oF LiFe...
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February 28, 2007
~ 03:16
sob sob~

I WANNA SLEEP~!!!!!!!!!!!
I MISS MY SLEEP~!!!!!!!!!!

juz tryin to complain...
cos i toss n turned in bed...
for 1 whole hr...
before gettin out of bed...
frustrated tt i cant fall asleep...
my mind so alert while layin down...
but feelin so tired when i get up...

too exhausted to do any work...
n too sian of any other entertainment...
lost at wad to do...

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 26, 2007
~ 23:24

Panadol, lots of panadol...
Can i juz take it?

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 22:18
Buzz Off~

pLease listeN to me wheN i speaK
this is juz a smaLL requesT i'm asKin for

iF u dun eVen botHer
Payin atteNtion to me
den juZ faCe oFF
i duN juz taLk craP
aLL daY LonG foR nuTs
oR r my woRds juZ wOrthless
juZ a specK of dusT in ur eYes

iF tt is e Case
juZ treat me as a woodbLock
n i wouLd taKe u as non-existent.

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 23, 2007
~ 23:51
Critical Virgo~

Who criticizes all she sees;
Yes, e'en would analyze a sneeze?
Who hugs and loves her own disease?
Humpf, Virgo!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 18, 2007
~ 23:59
CNY coMMenTs~

foR e 1st tiMe...
soMeoNe (my couSin nicHoLas)...
saiD my neW haiRstyLe waS noT NICE~

his cuTe youNgeR sis TasHa...
saiD i waS pretty thougH~!
tt maKes it eveN ;P

my auNt commented tt...
i look more n more like dada...
too bad...
there's nth left for comparison.

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 16, 2007
~ 14:15
GoNg diaOz~

hp aLarm raNg at 1030am...
e time tt i seT yesterdaY...
woKe up in a daZe...
hmm...waD daY issiT todaY?
issiT mon? doNt haVe cLass riTe?
eh...no...todaY is fri...
looKs at tiMe...
cLass sTarTs at 2pm...
i stiLL caN sLeep foR 10mins moRe...
goeS baCk to bed...

soMethiNg's noT riTe...
cLaSS on fri iS 10am insTeaD~!!!
my cOmm LaW cLass~!!!
oH maN~!!! i misseD coMm LaW~!!!
my faV coMm LaW~!!!
waH~!!! i duN waNNa miss coM laW~!
buT if i rusH dowN taKe MRT...
wiLL reaCh at 12 loRz...
iF taKe taxi...
wiLL reacH at bouT 11-1130...
buT i dun waNNa wasTe $$ on caB~

gets out of bed to kitchen...
stiLL whiNNin oveR my coMm laW cLass...
iTs finaNciaL pLanniN cLass...
noT coMM LaW cLass...
feeLs beTTa suddenLy....
goEs bacK to beD n sLeep~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 15, 2007
~ 17:31
SpoRts daY~!

woKe uP aT 0645...
suPPosed to be 0600 loRz...
so ruSh liKe siaO...
neeD to reaCh scH by 0830...
tooK e MRT...
n NO PLACE to SIT~!!!

sLePt oNLy liKe 4hrs laSt niTe...
so suPeR eXhaUsteD...
e 1st tHinG tt caMe to my miNd...
wheN i woKe up waS...
whY diD i sOOO reaDiLy aGree...
to KeiTh to heLp ouT aT sPoRts daY??!!
*sTaRtiN to reGreT~
(SporTs daY orGaNiseD by couNciL - eVeNts)

meT e peePs up aT e aTriuM..
n tooK a charteRed buS...
doWn to NTU~!!!
oH maN~ GeTTiN fuRtheR n fuRtheR...
aWaY frM HOME~!!!
hoW to gO hoMe laTeR??!!
*ReGreTTiN eVeN moRE~

theRe weRe 3 aCtivities...
goiN on coNcurreNtLy...
BasKetBaLL...CapTaiN baLL n SocceR~
i waS assiGneD to heLp ouT...
wiTh e basKetbaLL siDe - e ScoRin...
togeTheR wiTh AdrieLLe...
anotheR fresHie in eVents~
SuPeR easY joB...
actUaLLy i feLt tt i waS....
PracTicaLLy doiN notHin...
coS aDrieLLe waS e onE fLippiN e scOreboard...
Andy (eveNts) takiN doWn e scores...
JaMes (fresHie in EveNts) as reFeree...
n Me~ juZ siTTin arD waTchin e maTcH~

wheN theRe waS tiMe-ouT...
me n aDrieLLe wouLd juZ gO...
n pLay basKetbaLL togeTher...
maiNLy juZ tryIn to sHooT e baLL~
i oSo diD pLaY VoLLeYbaLL...
wiTh JohnnY n 2 otHer neW ppL...
i meT todaY - Joanne n KeLvin~
coS oF V-BaLL...
i haVe a feW oRh-cHe (bLuE-bLacK)...
oN my aRms - LyiN in a StraiGht roW~

seRiouSLy... i thiNk e fooD...
frM maKansuTra yesTerdaY goT proB lorz~
didNt reaLLy eaT anythiN e whoLe morN...
excePt foR a waFFLe...
n mY stoMacH waS giviN me proBs...
someTimEs it feeLs like gaStric PaNgs...
deN it goeS awaY...
at TiMe iT feeLs liKe stoMacH paiN...
deN it disappeaRs sooN...
theRe are tiMes wheN...
iT feeLs liKe i aTe too mucH chiLLi...
n my stoMaCh juz buRns uP...
n foR ur infO...
i didnT aTe mucH chiLLi yesTeRdaY~
yuP...defiNiteLy coS of gLuTToN fooD~

wHeNeveR JaMes frM SR caMe oveR...
to taLk to uS...
iT waS veRy funny~
i waS LikE compLaiNin to hiM...
tt i waS suPeR tireD...
noT enouGh sLeep...
me: "i sLepT at 2am lasT niTe leHz"
JaMes: "eveRyonE eLse sLepT aT 3am lasT niTe"
me: "buT i woKe up aT 6++am todaY LeHz~"
JaMes: "eveRyoNe eLse woKe up aT 5am todaY~"
JaMes: "so u wouLdnt b as eXhausteD as Us~"
DiaOz~!!! FaiNt~!!!

deN he waS liKe tryiN...
to teaCh us hiS ausT-LiNgo...
'No woRRies'...
so ouR coNveRsatioN kepT goiNg liKe...
no wOrrieS...no woRries...
aRouNd theSe feW woRds...
deN aDrieLLe poiNted ouT to us...
tt e coNversaTion waS geTTin NoWheRe~

e ReD buLL proMoteRs caMe doWn todaY...
n gaVe aLL of uS freE caNs of reD buLL...
e bLue n whiTe caN onE~
saYiN tt iT wouLd increaSe...
ouR eNergY leVeL by 20%~!

iT eNded quiTe eaRLy liKe at 2++...
to mY deLigHt....
i maNaGeD to fouNd GaRy...
anotHeR fresHie in SR...
who waS driViN...
n he liVes in taMp...
so i maNaGed to geT a LifT frM hiM~!!!
tHz a miLLioN~!!!
haha...aNdy (MnP & kaYakin) buai TaHaN me~

waS tryiN noT to taN myseLf...
agaiN afteR aLL e KayaKin...
seeMs liKe i aM noT...
doiN myseLf aNy jusTice~
enD of daY...
i duN reGreT goiN to sPorTs daY :)

*foR ur inFo...
theRe weRe 2 JaMes n 2 aNdy beiNg meNtiOned...
JaMes e fresHie in eVeNts n JaMes e sTaLe-lisT frM SR...
Andy frM eveNts...n aNdy frM kaYak n MnP~

JaMes (fresHie), aDrieLLe n Me trYin to sQueezE inTo e seLf-takeN piC~

trYiN to taKe eVideNce to sHow tt i waS preseNt at sPorTs daY~!

wiTh ouR sCoreBoaRd~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 14, 2007
~ 23:00
GLuTToN daY~

a V-daY whiCh becaMe...
aN ouTin foR e daTeLess...
to MaKaNsuTra gLuttoN baY~

WaiTin to PiG ouT~!

FuLL & saTisFieD~

froM lefT to riGht, back to froNt: NizaM, NicHoLas, BenJamiN, CLaRencE, JiaN Hua, GraCe n Me~

*foR moRe inFo, pLs go to CLaRenCe bLoG~ ;P

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 01:32
SiaN diaOz~

theRe is thiS otheR freN...
oN my msn whO stoLe...
uR traDemaRk (@)...
n kePt maKin me haVe...
e faLse impreSSioN...
tt u weRe oNLine~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 13, 2007
~ 23:16
BaD LoCatioN~

todaY i leaRn tt...
staYin 5mins away frM tamp maLL...

afteR scH weNt dowN to starBucks...
to use e internet connect...
deN weNt home to stay $$...
to go back n buy some clothes...
i even purposely brought....
a limited aMt of $$...
so tt i wuN speNd so mucH...

stuPid me...
no $$ stiLL waNNa waLk arouNd...
in e enD i saW thiS baG...
tt i loVe so MucH!!!
n goT 20% disCouNT LeHz~!!!
iT was e saMe feeLiN...
wheN i bouGht my RoXy baG loRz...
thouGh i waS teLLiN myseLf...
noT to speNd any moRE $$...
buT my feeT caRRieD me hoMe...
to taKe moRe $$ to buy iT~

duN ask me y i duN use my ATM card...
i duN eVeN noe how mucH is lefT insiDe...
leSS deN $10???

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 11, 2007
~ 15:00
IniTiaTioN daY~

studeNt counciL iniTiatioN daY....
staRted on saT 10/2...
weNt to pasir ris beacH...
foR our gaMes n cHaleT...
at soMe aPartmeNt-like pLace~

coMpared to lasT yr's one...
it waS supeR mucH toNed doWn...
n loTs of saNd n seawaTeR...
n juZ geTTiN dizzY in onE of e gaMes~

e fuNNiesT parT waS onE e niGht waLk...
wheRe e studeNt reLatioN (SR) peeps...
maDe us waLK into thiS daRk patH...
n trY to sCare us laHz~
e guyS go insiDe aLoNe...
geRs in PaiRs...
heaRd quiTe a feW sHrieKs loRz~

so whiLe waiTin foR ouR turN...
CLaRa caMe bacK laTe...
sO thiS cuTe guY sebasTiaN (haha ^^)...
n his dunno who freN...
wheN to picK her up...
e SR had manageD to creaTe soMe...
CreePy viBes in soMe of theM...
so wheN e 2 guyS saw CLara...
(theY did not noe who cLara was at tt time)

they were likE...
"eh...she got shadow???"
"er...yah yah..."
"touchiN grouNd or noT???"
"hmmm...yah yah"
as theY weRe ruBBin theiR chiNs...
whiLe looKin at Clara's directiOn...
CLara was liKe thinkin...
'r they baD guys or noT???'
'wiLL they roB me???'
so fuNnY~

i reaLLy pitY e SR ppL...
wheN it waS me n Clara's turN...
to do e niGht waLk...
coS botH of us were not scareD...
as we eNteRed inside...
we were like enjoyin e atmospheRe...
taLkin n laugHin our waY in...
(laTer someonE toLd us...
e ppL ouTside were liKe...
how come this 2 gers go inside laugHin?)
i waS liKe looKin up iN e sKy...
teLLin ClaRa bouT e sTars...
deN i saW thiS 'gHosT' ruNNing...
towaRds us suPer fasT...
oF cos i toLd CLara tt theRe...
waS a ghoSt tryiN to sCare us...
PooR JaMes...e uNsuccessFuL gHosT~
he waS trYin to b veRy sCary...
deN me n CLaRa kePt lauGhin at him~!

we coNtinueD stroLLin towaRds...
a towEr whiCh we neeDed to go up...
theRe was anotHer ghosT hidiN...
beHind a piLLar trYin to scare uS...
buT i noTiced him...
n poinTed hiM ouT to CLaRa...
so aNotHer FaiLuRe~

whiLe cliMbin up e sTaiR...
2 sLippeRs feLL frm e top...
tryiN to sPooK uS...
me: "soMeoNe droP theiR sLippEr
frM upsTaiRs leHz~
who throW onE aHz???
wheRe wheRe???"
cLara: "there~"
(poiNtiN to a loNg-haiRed feMaLe
ghosT whO didNt moVe at aLL...
aLot of ppL tot she waS e mosT
FriGhteNin onE~)
me: "oooH~"

i waS walkiN arouNd e coRneR...
of e sTaiRs wheN a ghosT...
LyiN doWn on e flooR...
graBBed my aNkLe...
me (unsTartLed): "carefuL aH...
be caRefuL okiE...i donT waNNa
steP on u~"
aT thiS poiNT in tiMe...
boTh of us haVe aLreaDy reaChed...
e toP of e towEr n weRe...
quiTe LosT at waD to do...
so wE kePt askiN e ghosT quesTioNs...
ClaRa: "Do we haVe to coLLecT somethiN?"
me: "aRe we suPPosed to go off noW?"
basicaLLy we kepT repeaTin this 2 liNes....
deN e shE-ghosT repLieD...
iN heR MOST-HUMAN voicE~
"You caN go off noW~"

i thiNk e SR ppL supeR siaN diaO...
with boTh us of loRz...
buT theY did maNaGe to scaRe...
soMe gerS in froNt of us~
so theY haVe theiR faiR sharE of fuN~

basicaLLy sTudeNt counciL...
is seParateD into 3 deparTmeNts...
StudenT ReLatioN (SR)...
eVenTs...MarKetiN & ProMotion (MnP)

SR orGaniseS activiTies maiNLy...
foR e couNciLLors oNLy...
like thiS intiaTion daY thingY...
EveNts hoLds eveNts foR...
e RMIT sTudeNt bodY as a whoLe...
MnP does marKetiN n sTuff...
theY oso do e RMIT maGaziNe...
i goT intO EveNts...
Clara n NizaM goT intO SR~

whiLe doiN e intrO withiN my depaRtment...
e eveNts heaDs were likE...
eH...muZ oso teLL us uR traFFic LigHt~
GreeN, aMbeR or reD LigHt?
haha...it waS meaNt to signifY...
uR cuRReNt mariTaL sTaTus~

eaCh deparTment haS soMe...
kiNd oF aTmosPheRe or Qi feN~
SR- e CaMwHores~
EveNts - e GaMbLeRs~
MnP- moRe toNed dowN peePs
mY eveNts head KeiTh...
waS liKe teaChin us hoW to pLaY TeXas~
iTs a kiNd of pokeR caRd gaMe...
tt is pLayeD in CasiNos...
QuiTe fuN n iNteRestiN~

deN insiDe e rooM...
e otheRs wEre liKe pLaYin...
anoTher gaMe n iF u LosE u haVe to driNk~
groUnd ruLes...u caNt saY e woRds...
DrinK draNk druNk...he i sHe~
basiCaLLy i duN hoLd aLcoHoL weLL...
sO i draNk liKe 2 cuPs...
n voMiteD liKe 4 tiMes~!
to whicH NizaM gLadLy heLp me...
sPreaD thiS neWs arD e cLass~
i thiNk JaMes diD e saMe thiNg lOrz~!
(duRin sPorTs daY~)

a MiseRaBLe LoNeLy pHoTo oF mY grP foR e daY gaMes... wiTh soMe eXtraS...LiKe JusTiN~(e suPeR smiLeY guY neaResT to e wiNdoW...mY eVents head aS weLL)

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 05, 2007
~ 22:00
GrouP ouTiNg~

a biG gaNg of my cLass peePs...
eaTiN aT Suki SusHi-buffeT...
deN oFF to KBOX~!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 03, 2007
~ 23:59
CeLiNa's 21st~

afteR e fiNaL daY of kaYaK...
receiVin e cHeaP sKate (quoTed frM aNdy)...
pC of paPer oF ceRtificaTe...
foR e 3 sTar course...
waS sUpeR sHaggeD wheN...
i reaCh Celina cHalet...
togeTher wiTh thieN fui, ClaricE n ManfreD...
aT soMe oo-LoO plaCe...
caLLeD dunno waD NatiOnal service...
waDeVa it iS...
iTs at taNah meraH....
suPeR haRd to geT theRe n ouT tOO~

ceLina reaLLy tooK aLot of effoRt...
in prepariNg her bdaE partY....
e inTernaL n exteRnaL waLLs weRe likE...
decoRateD wiTh whiTe, pinK puRpLe...
BaLLooNs aLonG wiTh sTreaMers...
n shE waS dreSseD to the nines...
in a tuBe dreSs n heR haiR...
waS doNe uP verY GlaM-isH...
aLonG wiTh a croWn on heR heaD...
oF coS noT forgeTin her maKe-uP...
sHe reaLLy waS e maiN focuS foR e niTe...

thiS time moRe 4/2 ppL caMe...
besiDes those 3 ppL mentioneD earLier...
Xueyu, Hafiz, Hong tat, Hong Keat,
Wendy, Melissa, Renee, Chin Yuan, Marlyna
YaN LenG couLdnt maKe iT cos...
he haD to booK inTo camP...
n freDa cos oF her bz scHeduLe...

Hafiz waS liKe teLLin us...
tt he toT he saW YoNg sHenG aKa soTonG...
oN one of e daYz...
n he beCaMe veRy musCuLaR...
aLL oF us weRe liKe freaKeD ouT...
CaNt imaGine his faCe wiTh tt typE of bodY~
haha...we r so baD~
buT yaH...eWWW~ GroSS~
buT haFiz did noT caLL ouT to hiM...
ScaReD tt regcoNise wRonG peRsoN~

aS usuaL we haNged arounD...
taLkiN anD eaTin togeTheR...
n wE LoVe to caMp arouNd...
e chocoLatE foNduE FouNtaiN~!!!
suCh tt whEn iT waS time foR...
thE hiGheR chiNesE cLass ppL...
to taKe piCs wiTh CeLiNa...
HoNg keaT was suPeR reLuctaNt...
to leaVe iT~!!!

wHeN iT was tiMe to siNg e bdaE soNg...
eVeRyone was liKe giVen poppeRs n streaMers...
to poP theM aftEr e soNg...
suPer graNd loRz...
den e funnY paRt caMe afTer e soNg...
wheN CeLina's auNt annouNceD...
"WhicH guy wouLd likE to giVe CeLiNa a kiSS?"

PooR hoNg KeaT waS e VicTiM~!!!
maNfreD n HoNg taT beiNg e rowDy ones....
seeiNg tt hoNg keat waS likE juz...
coNvenieNtLy sTaNdin in froNt of theM...
kePt puShin hiM towaRds CeLiNa...
n of cos me, Fui, ClaRice n MaRLyna...
diD noT miSSeD ouT on e fuN~
wE kePt caLLiN ouT hiS naMe...
asKin hiM to go oVeR n kisS CeLiNa~!
SuPeR roWdY n ChoaTic~!!!

haha...buT u shLd haVe beeN there...
to sEE hoNg keaT's reaCtioN...
so fuNNy...
he kePt tryiN to maiNtaiN hiS posiTion...
buT beiNg e smaLLeR siZe...
of coS he goT pusHed to e centre...
in e enD he did noT kiSS heR...
he juZ kePt smiLin...
sHakeD CeliNa's haNd n offeReD...
heR e parTy haT tt waS coNvenienTLy...
on the taBLe~!
haha...veRy funny~

naT caMe onLy afteR e soNg...
coS of heR busY scheduLe...
theRe waS thiS paRt...
wheRe befoRe we weRe leaVin e pLace...
ChiN YuaN picKed up e mic...
n decideD to staRt siNgiN to a soNg...
fuI n ClaRice were likE...
LeTs sTaRt LeaVing...
n u noE waD~
Nat pLucKeD ouT e MIC~!!!
Gd moVe geR~!!!

oH yaH caT...
soMe of uR NPCC freNz caMe...
Wee kiaT, Xing wei, SuK ChiNg...
n oNe moRe guY tt looKs veRy famiLiar~
u noE e whoLe niTe...
i waS likE uR iNfoRmeR...
rePorTiN ur aBseNce~
noT to meNtioN...
saYiN hoW muCh i eNvy u...
n aLL e fuN u r goiNg to haVe...
touRin US n sHoPPiN @ ToKyo~! ;P

miSs aLL e fuN wiTh seC frenz...
hoPe we wouLd meeT up sooN aGain~

SoMe pICs & uPdaTes~
ThieN fui greW eVeN thiNNer frM e LasT tiMe u (caT) lasT saW heR @ RouGe~

ClaRice...stiLL looK e saMe...noW in NTU wiTh fui~

MaNfreD juZ ORD...goiN to accouNtin couRse @ NTU saMe as Fui...he iS keePin thiS beaRd of hiS...tt maDe EVERYONE coMpLaiN bouT iT n aSkiN him to triM it at leaSt...eveN hiS gf LorZ...buT giVen hiS charaCteR...he's stiLL noT goiN to do anythiN bouT iT~ haha...stiLL e saMe as lasT tiMe...wheN e 1st time i saW hiM @ his bdae paRty...e 1st woRd tt caMe to my mind was...GoaT~!!!

MarLyna juz caMe back noT long ago...frM her studIes in PerTh on pyscHology...she wiLL b returNin bacK on e 21st this mtH~ n shE sTiLL usEs heR faV phraSe as in sEc "foR fun laugHter peace n joy~" (if i am not wrong)

HoNg keaT n hiS saMe oLd dimpLeS n hiS coLd joKes~

BdaE geR looKiN aLL GLaMMed-up~ she's currently in NIE~

XueYu in NTU...canT remembeR heR course...soMethiN to do witH biOLogY~ she stiLL looKs e saMe...noT mucH diff~

HoNg taT...as taLL as eVeR~ i waS tippiN toes...n he waS likE bendiN dowN...duN seeM to b e caSe riTE?

ChiN YuaN...noT mucH diFF as weLL...buT he droVe a LexuS oVeR okiE~! n i waS likE heLpiN hiM aNNouNce thiS to eVeRyoNe~! Haha~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


February 01, 2007
~ 23:21
Up n MoViN OnWaRd~!!!

as promised pics for my new hairstyle~!!!

i aM loViN my haiRstyLe...
eVen more wiTh eaCh daY...
i receiveD ALOT of complimenTs...
foR my hairsTyLe...
makiN me suPeR Zi LiaN this daYs lorz...
e basE is dark purpLe...
n e higHlights which are mostLy internaL...
is reddisH purpLisH~
everYtiMe wheN i wasH my haiR...
suPer scareD lorz...
cos e waTeR is Like piNkisH lorz...
den my freN say my baCk haiR...
looKs like coPPeR lorz~
so saD...e purple is fadin away~

CaT: really feel like lettin u see me personally~
see whether i wun get bored with this...
hairstyle for 5 mths~
if not i will try to maintain it~

eVeN moRe eXCITiN NEWS~!!!
a BiT oVeR eXciTeD todaY~!!!!
beaR wiTh me k~

i weNt foR an inteRview....
foR student council on mon...
haha~! suPer haPPy loRz...
deN i thiNk...thinK...
i might b in eVents...
iF tt haPPeNs...
i caN go craZy wiTH ViVieN aGaiN~!!!!

den den....
i wenT for my FPA club interview today...
FiLm n PerFormiN ArTs club...
actuaLLy i tot it was juz...
a interview to enter into e sub-committee...
or somethin to this extend...
den e vice-president Glarie...
asked me this qn tt shocked me...
he layed out e options of e committee...
which are president, vice-president, treasurer etc...
n told me to b open n asked me to chooSE~!
i was surprised okiez~
cos those positions were like e main com...
n like e highest position lorz...
i cant possibLy saY tt i waNNa b e presiDeNt riTE?!

basically tt day was oso e hand-oveR daY loRz~
all e ppl who wenT for e interview...
n goT into e maiN com...
weRe ppL whoM workeD with me...
previously in e drama production....
so we knew eaCh otheR...
n weRe quiTe coMfortaBLe wiTh eaCh otheR~

Qi Yun - e President
Wei Xiong - Vice President & Treasurer
Vivien - Marketing Manager
Justin - Marketing Manager
Valient - Marketing Manager
Joanna - Performing Arts Manager
Me - Productions Manager~!!!

basically my duties are to...
bring in worshoPs for acTing...
pHotograhy, digitaL fiLmin etc...
n mosT imporTanTLy...
i GET to Be...

iTs a dreaM coMe true foR me loRz...
foR those who noe me...
noe tt i love draMas alot...
i have acted a few times before...
buT have nv takeN part in...
any bacKstaGe activities before...
n have been wantiNg to do it...
for a very LoNg timE...
n this tiMe i geT to do...
a whOLe neW draMa frOm scraTch...
of coS togeTheR with my whoLe coM...
froM e budgeTiN...
souRcin ouT a VeNue...
fiNd acTors, aCtress...
baSicaLLy eVERYThiN~!!!

actUaLLy e whoLe com...
is liKe newBieS or fresHies to everythiN...
oNLy 1 or 2 ppL haVe doNe soMethin...
a biT relaTeD...
otHer den tt...
we r totally clueless~
so we aLL haVe to LeaRn everyThiN togetheR...
brinG soMethiN froM noN-existenCe...
to soMethiN HUgE n suCCessFuL~
we r aLL exciTeD...
n LooKin foRward to aLL e pLanniN...
n maKiN e cLuB a HuGe suCCess~!

i aM suPer exciTed okiE!!!
aT LasT my sCh liFe wouLd noT...
b muDaNe aGaiN~!!!
i aM so sO SOOOO...
looKiN foRwaRd to thiS eVeNtfuL yeaR...
sTudeNt couNciL...FPA...
n aLL e thiNgs tt i wouLd b aBLe to do...
noT oNLy tt...
i caN puT "ProductioNs MaNageR"...
doWn in my resuMe...
n MaKe iT LooK Gd~!!!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .




*2008 SpeciaLs*

5th Jan 2008
A Special Memory for Life
The Tao of Love - Jiang Hong





* October 2006
* November 2006
* December 2006
* January 2007
* February 2007
* March 2007
* April 2007
* May 2007
* June 2007
* July 2007
* August 2007
* January 2008


Post-Production Blues
e MontH of August~
NeW DesK~!
Bz Yr aHead
DiaMonD! :O
StoMacH's WeiRd
LivinG iT Up~
LoNg TiMe No TaLK~!!!
Hao Hao TinG WoR~


Designer: j-wen

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