January 29, 2007
~ 17:30
BroKen frieNdship.
a person whom u treasure so much
may juz treat u like some dirt
a person whom u tot u knew so well
can suddenly feel like a total stranger to u
a person whom u deem as a close friend
may eventually juz hurt u so bad
a peson whom u juz wanna be frenz with
can one day stop talking to u for no reason
n begin to dislike u n talk bad bout u
when tt day arrives
u blame tt fren n dislike them
for wadeva they have done
n tt they made loneliness become
ur companion again
but yet u failed to see
tt it could be because of
ur own selfish actions, words,
ur thoughtlessness and insensitivity
tt cause e friendship to break
resulting in them drifting away
n tt things could nv be restored
back as it was before.
Everything precious has fade away
Leaving u to blame urself for
Ur own folly.
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 28, 2007
~ 18:56
NeW HaiRsTyLe~!
aT LoNG lasT~!!!
waiTed foR aGes to...
geT my haiR doNe up LoRz...
maNageD to ouTsouRce...
a diFF hair sTyList to saVe $$$...
soRRy my trusTee hairsTyLisT~!
did a cuT, dyE, HigHLight...
n treaTmenT @ $158...
waY cheaPeR deN wheN i do @ sTorM~
abiT appreHensiVe at 1st...
as didnT noe waD...
e ouTcoMe wouLd b LiKe...
in the eNd...
i siMpLy juZ LOVE my neW haiRstyLe...
as waD my freN beV saiD...
i LooK moRe likE uNi sTudenT noW~
wiLL posT up pics foR u to see cat...
onLy afteR my uNi freNz haVe seeN iT~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
~ 02:45
StaRt oF aLL 21st~
e sTaRt of e daY...
waS kaYakiN aGaiN...
coS ClaRenCe waS noT weLL yet...
we deCided to posTpoNe...
e 2 sTaR KayaKiN finaL daY assessmenT...
to e followiN saT...
kiNd of saD...
coS goiNg to dO my haiR liaOz...
deN my haiR miGht geT ruiN...
buT on e otheR haNd...
iT meaNs tt todaY was...
a FREE haLf daY of fuN kaYakiN foR us...
noT tt baD afteRaLL...
3 woRds to suMMarise kaYaKiN...
I LoVe EsKiMo~!
aFter tt weNt dowN to my seC sCh freN...
MaNfreD's placE foR hiS 21st celebratioN...
reacH theRe bouT 730++...
tot i was LaTe loRz...
i waS wroNg...
ouT oF the maNy ppL i kneW...
onLy HoNg taT n JiNg kai reaChed there...
so i waS kiNd of siaN ouT...
MaNfreD oso inviteD hiS...
sofTbaLL freNz froM teMaseK...
peeps liKe ChaRLes, FirDaus, Jun JiaNg....
n eVen ShaBir wHo caMe laTeR in e niTe...
basiCaLLy e whOLe grP oF theM...
weRe guys loRz~
haD to eNduRe theRe...
trYin to taLk moRe to hoNg tat & jiNg kai...
n waTcH e S'pore soCCer maTch...
tt e whoLe gaNg of theM weRe waTchin...
bouT 830++ aT LaSt...
ClaRiCe n tHieN fui arriVed...
oH maN...hoW gLaD was i to see theM...
feLt so muCh more coMfortaBLe...
weiRdLy iT seeMs liKe wE haVe...
muCh moRe thiNgs to taLk bouT...
comPareD to e pasT~
laTeR freDa aRRiveD...
foLLowiN by YaN LeNg...
wHeN YaN LenG reaCheD...
he waS suRpriseD to fiNd ouT...
tt iT waS MaNfreD's bdaE celeBratioN~!
SuPeR HiLaRiouS~!
iT aLL beGaN whEn i 1st...
meT uP wiTh MaNfreD...
n he meNtioNed tt he couLdnt...
coNtact YaN LenG...
so i gaVe ManfreD YL's new hp no...
so duRinG e caLL MaNfreD...
juz toLd YL to coMe dowN...
to pLaY maHjoNg n to joiN us...
to wHich he gLadLy agreeD...
eVen wheN JinG kai n HoNg taT...
wheN to feTcH YL...
theY didnT eveN meNtioN tt...
iT was foR ManfreD's bdae...
so YL juz assumeD tt it was a cLass gatheRing...
so oBviousLy he was shOckeD...
to reaLisE tt iT waS a 21st paRty...
he waS liKe fraNticaLLy tryiN to...
looK foR a BdaE gift foR him....
whicH he trieD to offeR a aLmonD puddiN...
as a BdaE preseNt...
buT it eveNtuaLLy enteReD hiS oWn sTomaCH~!
SuPeR fuNNy LorZ~!
aNywaY eNjoYed e resT of the niTe...
wE speNd tiMe taLkiN...
trYin to caTch uP wiTh oNe aNotheR...
LauGhin aT ouR fooLisH seC daYz...
tryiN to recaLL soMe otheR ppL...
whoM we neaRLy foRgeT...
n kePt tryiN to recaLL...
aLL ouR siTTin posiTionS...
we eVen caMe uP wiTh the suGGestioN...
oF drawiN up a MaP~
after tt we pLayeD maHjoNg...
n LeFt hiS plaCe at bouT 2am...
a GreaT tiMe oF gaTheriN....
whicH maDe me miss e pasT aLot...
buT tiMes moVe oN...
n we haVe moVed oN too...
CaNt waiT foR e nexT gatHeriN...
aT CeLina's parTy~!
so saD u canT joiN us caT~
buT i wouLd heLp u briNg...
ur preseNce aLonG wiTh me~
HeeZ ;P
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 26, 2007
~ 20:56
LosT e CoRneRs~
sLipped baCk doWn...
CaNt figHt oN.
LosT iT aLL...
CaNt fiNd iT baCk.
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 25, 2007
~ 00:43
to e night...
i regain my sanity~
to e silence...
i lost myself.
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 24, 2007
~ 18:36
if i am someone not
woRth coNceRniNg bout
deN doNT caRe bouT me TotaLLy~
n i wont be boTheRed bout it.
coS i thinK waY toO muCh
n i aM noT oNe who is fortHcomiN.
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 16, 2007
~ 22:43
mY faV woRd: CLs~
GooD moRniN UniVersaL~
GooD AfteRnooN UnivesaL~
GooD eVeniN UniVersaL~
yah...tt's me aNsweRin
pHonE caLLs at woRk toDay...
siNce thiS wK was soMe craPPy...
MaNge ClieNt SerVices moDuLe...
HaLf e tiMe i aM doiNg seLf-sTudY...
e otHeR HaLf i waS...
i duN eVeN noE waD i waS doiN theRe~
yuP...so expeCted...
i sKippeD cLass~ Heez~
AfteR noT goiN dowN to e...
opTicaL shOp foR a few mThs...
i reaLisE tt i HaVE n NEEd to...
at LeaSt go dowN eveRy mtH...
to keeP myseLf uPdaTed of thiNgs...
oTheRwiSe i wiLL becOme...
oBsoLeTe n RusTy~!
caN u imaGine e no. of neW...
ContaCt LeNs (CLs) tt caMe uP...
on e maRkeT whiLe i waS...
CooPeD uP @ homE~
FresHLook coLouR daiLy lens...
Acuvue Oasys...
Acuvue Define Vivid...
Freshkon new colour in browN...
CLeaRLaB toRic lenS...
n uPcoMiN neW FoCus daiLy leNs...
in neW asTigmaTisM poweRs~
n noT to meNtioN reMembeRin...
aLL e diFF promoTioNs...
n trYin to reVise aLL e diFF priCes~!
OH mY GoD~
LucKily i'm noT tt baD afTeraLL...
i heaRd of neWs of soMe braNds...
eVen befoRe iT caMe up oN maRkeT...
so iT heLps tt i duN...
LooK or aCt liKe a UseLesS oPtoM~
waDs e uSe oF mE beiN theRe...
iF i caNt eVeN reMeMbeR aNy oF...
mY opToM terMinoLogIes n knoWLedgE~
aNywaY iT kiNd oF feeLs gooD...
goinG bacK to wOrK...
re-disCussiN bouT CLs stuFF...
sPecTacLe sTuFF insteaD...
oF e noW $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
iTs kinD oF weirD as weLL...
aS i haVe noT seRveD a cusTomeR...
foR quiTe soMe timE...
LucKiLy my reFracTion iS...
StiLL quiTe accuRaTe as lasT tiMe...
buT onLy sLowEr...
n i m sOOO muCh sLoWeR...
aT couNtin mY CLs basE cuRve...
n deTerMiniN my CLs poWeRs...
n trYin to reMembeR...
e AddiTioN powErs foR presByopia~
hoW to fiT sPectaCLes foR presByopia~
n oSo trYiN to reCaLL haRd...
hoW to deTermiNe e BaSe cuRve...
n e sTaiNin paTTerNs foR a properly...
fiTTed RGP (rigid gas permeable) leNs~!
e diFFereNt desiGns of a pRogreSsiVe leNs..
e diFFerenCes in eaCh muLticoaT...
e PoWeR raNGe foR eaCh CLs...
e no. oF baSe CuRve foR eaCh CLs...
aM i makiN u diZZy & coNfuSed???
sTiLL goT moRE~ LOL~
My oPtoM teRms...
hoW to desCibe to the cusT...
bouT eacH coNditioN...
waD to aDvisE theM...
n waDs e treatmeNt...
waD quesTioNs to aSk..
To gaUge e SignS n SympToMs...
to deTerMinE exaCtLy whiCh...
coNditioN iT is...
oH maN...i sUre neeD to looK...
baCk aT mY booKs~
oH...i osO neeD to reVisE...
mY StraBismuS...
- eso or exo...
- tropia or pHoria
mY reTinoScopY & opHtaLmosCopE...
mY VisiOn fieLds...
mY coLouR & coNtraSt aReas...
e VaRioUs terMs foR iLLness...
n iTs SiGns n sympToMs...
e NeuRoLogY paRt oF e eYe...
e MuScLes coNnecTiN to e eYe...
aLL e VarioUs TreaTmenTs...
eXerCises & aDvices...
tt caN be giVen...
iS sUre noT aS sImpLe aS u thiNK~
if dun understand any of this...
iTs normaL...can asK me iF u sEe me~
HeLL aLoT oF thiNgs to RecaLL
buT i sTiLL maNaGeD to reTaiN...
tt parT oF oPtoMetrY in mE~
despiTe e diFFicuLties....
i sTiLL LOVE OpToMeTry...
n i caN teLL u ecoNs & FiNaNce...
iS sOOO muCh eaSieR deN thiS...
buT aT e saMe tiMe...
sOOO muCh LeSs fuN~
baCk to buSineSs...
siNce toDay waSnt tt Bz...
i eVeN goT to siT aRouNd...
LaUgH n taLk likE noBody'S buSinEss...
goT an uNexPecTeD freE treaT...
to a CoFFee BeaN Frappe...
n eaRn likE $80 foR todaY...
noT to meNtioN...
a PaiR of free triaLs foR Acuvue Oasys...
n 4 pairs oF FresHLooK coLouR daiLy leNs...
iN aLL diFF coLouRs~!!!
WoO HOO~!!!
i m sOOOOO goiNg baCk to woRk aGaiN!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
~ 01:46
NeW iNsiGhts~
aFteR aBandoNin aLL...
mY neWsPapeRs foR 2 whoLe moNtHs...
aLLowiN theM to piLe uP n roT...
i fiNaLLy picKed theM up todaY...
n this particular arTicLe caUght my eYe...
it was aN exCeRpT...
frM a new BooK...
CoNfessions oF an American Media MaN
wriTTeN bY a veTeraN...
aMeRicaN jouRnaLisT - ToM PLaTe
iT waS bouT hiS 1st visiT to S'pore...
in the 1990s n his inTerView wiTh...
tHeN SenioR MinisTeR Lee Kuan Yew...
tHe heaDinG reaDs...
"This column on Singapore,
are you sure you want it to run?"
iF u haVe the Straits Times dateD 15 JaN...
u suRe gotta reaD iT~
tHe waY thiS guY wriTes is reaL inteResTin~
NaT...u r suRe goinG to LoVe iT~
LeT me giVe u soMe iNsiGhts...
In the 1990s...the aMericaNs did noT haVe...
a gD oPinioN bouT S'pore...
buT a sTudeNt oF hiS toLd hiM to...
VisiT S'poRe & meeT a poLitiCaL GeniuS...
naMed Lee KuaN Yew...
... -->dOts MeaNs sKip to~
[ ]> --> woRds in braCkeTs aRe my owN oPiNioNs...
abstract oF aBsTraCt:
The seeming duality of the place - the contrast between
enviable achievements and questionable process - fascinated me;
so did the political enigma of Lee Kuan Yew, who, to say the least,
had not received a very good press in the United States, at least
in the 1990s.
I decided to call on the government of Singapore and phoned to ask
for a journalist's visa so as to travel there for a column or two.
Initially - and to my surprise - they were not enthusiastic. "Oh sure,
we know what you're going to do," said the government official who
handled the foreign press. "You're going to come to Singapore, you're
going to spend 2.1 days here, you're going to write 3.1 articles and
you're going to mention that caning incident 17.6 times." [cHucKLe]
...I had reviewed the Los Angeles Times (LAT) database of previous
columns and stories, and found that the vast majority of those done in
recent years (or ever!) had focused on Singapore's use of caning as
criminal punishment and social deterrence, and about its first know
American recipient thereof, the notorious Micheal Fay.
He was more or less a typical young irresponsible America goofball who
decided to publicly display his spray-painting skills on walls and cars in
a political culture whose entire goal was absolute public respect for
authority - and control of deviance of almost all kinds. [diaOz...buT
so truE] In such a small and well-policed city state, the young American
was quickly arrested and promptly sentenced to a handful of whacks
from the strict Singaporean caning rod. [LoL!]
The US media outcry was instantly condemnatory. How primitive! How
animalistic! But it never occured to the American media so loudly
lynching Singapore - and telling it how to run its affairs - that America
public opinion was far more in favour against this practice, probably
because we wish we could be at least a little sterner with our own
errant children, perhaps even without getting slapped with an ACLU
(American Civilian Liberties Union) lawsuit.
..."Okay, I'll make you a deal," I said. "I'll stay 5.0 days, a whole work
week. I won't go to Malaysia, I won't go to Indonesia, I won't go
anywhere else in Asia during that time. I'll look, I'll learn and I'll write
one column in which I'll likely only bring up caning once because, as
an American journalist, I'm going to have to mention your caning law
at least once or I'll lose my journalistic licence!"
I was joking, of course, or was I? Of course, American journalists don't
have to be licensed, but should they be? Now, that's an interesting
question; and you might be surprised by my answer!
[oH maN~ i'm loviN thiS maN's humouR as e articLe goes oN~]
[so thiS maN goT hiS deaL anD even meT Mr Lee KuaN Yew at Istana...]
...The interview was long and deep. Instead of the 45 minutes I was
scheduled for, Singapore's founding prime minister laid out his views
for nearly two pleasant but intense hours, replying to every one of my
questions with astonishing precision, careful thoughtfulness and a
charming British lilt acquired in his years as a Cambridge student
in England.
What was the biggest problem he faced when he and his People's
Action Party began to piece Singapore back together in the 1960s?
Surprisingly, Lee said it wasn't the economy, national security nor public
schools, but rather the omnipresent, oppressive, lawless, marauding
drug gangs who roamed the streets, terrorised the citizenry and kept
the decent people of Singapore indoors at night.
The British had largely ignored the gangsters during their reign. As a
result of this debilitating carte blanche, the problem mushroomed into
a living nightmare. Roaming gangs controlled the streets not only by
night but also by the day, and the threat of being an innocent but dead
bystander in a drug gang gun battle or drive-by was real. It was
impossible to build a peaceful society with that kind of arrant
misconduct, insisted Lee.
I asked him what he did to combat the gangs.
"We had the army arrest them and put them in jail."
"So, how did the trials go?" I asked, reasonably.
"We didn't have trials," the senior statesman replied directly.
"What?!" I tried to seem unruffled but i think i failed. My Americanness
was shinning through too obviously.
"You see, Tom, we inherited the British system of justice which
requires the first-person testimony of one gang member to convict
another one. But the gangs would kill off anybody who talked, so what
developed was a revolving door system in which an arrest would be made
and there'd be a trial which hinged on the testimony of a witness who
then would be killed by agents of the indicted gangsters, and out the
door would go the criminals, back onto the streets."
"Why couldn't the police protect the witnesses?"
"They weren't strong enough."
"So what did you do?"
"We let the army round them up and put the gang members in
jail," Lee said.
"So, where are they today?"
"By and large, they are still in jail."
"But that's preposterous!"
He looked at me in the eye clearly and evenly, and said directly,
without a trace of apology: "Mr Plate, haven't you noticed? The streets
of Singapore are safe." [WaY to GO~!!!]
He had me there...
...I left the interview convinced that Lee Kuan Yew - love him or hate him
- had an exceptional mind and a very steely will. [u couLd saY tt aGaiN~]
I banged out my Singapore column from the gorgeous Shangri-La Hotel,
faxed and e-mailed it to the LAT, and went to the airport for the long
flight back to California. I slept like a puppy.
When I arrived back in Los Angeles, an urgent phone call was waiting
for me. It was from an editor at the LAT: "Tom, this column on
Singapore, are you sure you want it to run?"
I said: "Sure, what's wrong with it?"
"Well, it's, um, how do I put it...it's kind of soft on Singapore."
[no lines skipped here]
"What do you mean?"
"Singapore is a terrible place, Tom!" You're too easy on them."
"Have you ever been there?"
It was allowed that the editor had not ever been.
"I just returned after a week of reporting and I do not think it is a terrible
place at all. I think the column is quite fair. No one followed me aound;
I didn't see any caning; and Lee Kuan Yew is a helluva lot smarter than
Dan Quayle."
"I don't know. There are some mumblings about this column from
Higher Authority."
"Look, Singapore's press, whatever its strengths, is obviously not as free
as a free press in the West. But isn't it one of our press' most revered
calling cards that we're totally open and free, and thus any
well-substantiated point of view can get into print?" [he's smart~]
I was inadvertently asking if we wanted the LAT to be as repressive as
he was accusing the Singapore news media of being.
The ploy worked. The LAT shrank back and the column ran....
...Lee understands world politics to be an interrelated net of
idealogies and practices, some of which corresponds to the American
way while others do not. Lee's own politcal learnings obviously fall
into the later category but I saw no reason to slam him for that, especially
since he used his un-American beliefs to create a safe, prosperous
and peaceful new country.
...Lee saw me and dramatically pointed in my direction.
"Los Angeles Times!" [LoL~] he said in a stong voice. The reception
room, packed to its edges, quieted a little.
I thought to myself, laughing: "Oh God, he can't remember my name but
he's going to cane me anyhow!" [diaOz~!]
Instead he said: " That column of yours...I well know and appreciate the
ideology of the American media. That column was brave of you."
[no skipped lines here as well]
This was an amazing moment. Sure, Lee would not be the first person to
seek favour with a columnist by flattering him but I do not think that was
his motive. He does not care that much what the Western press thought
about him, unless Singapore's overall image was hurt.
His point was that the American news media had an overarching ideology
that is all but invisible to us, but extremely obvious to those outside our
borders; he also implicitly understood that if the American journalist
deviated from the ideology by too wide a margin, the journalist runs
certain risjs, especially professionally.
I had deviated by not slamming Singapore; I had run some risks; and I
don't think the LAT was ever happy with that column. nor with a lot
of my columns about China...
...You see, in the American media, if you're bashing, you're not a real
macho journalist.
I did say in the column that Lee is indeed "another Asian authoritarian
without remorse...[no lines skipped] whose flinty intolerance of such
things as a vigorous free press seems buffered by (his) donnish accents
of Cambridge". [chucKLe] That was balanced with the assertion that
America "doesn't have to agree with everything (Lee) says. But why not
listen? We could learn something about Singapore (from him) - and
about ourselves, too."
Well, a balance perspective doesn't fly for very long in the American
political press. As a journalist, you're considered bland, a milquestoast,
a pushover. You're written off as a dork by those who long for the
sharp teeth of the ever-hungary, self-appointed watchdog. Lee Kuan
Yew had his faults, as do we all. But even his worst critics acknowledge
that he is a man of superior intellect and extraordinary experience,
and possessed an iron will put to the good use of his country. Yes,
he did things the Singaporean way, and not the American way, but
that's precisely what America needs to understand. It works.
i simpLy juz loVe thiS guY...
seNse oF huMour...
Use oF laNguaGe....
n his sTyLe of wRitiN...
he juz haS thiS knaCk of wriTin...
in a ResPecTfuL maNNer...
n yeT beiNg veRy oFFensive...
in a SuPeR subtle waY...
juZ to creaTe tt baLaNce...
iF u unDerstaNd wad i meaN~
YuP...juZ loVe thiS aRticLe~
P.S. i was thinkin why e journalist was
comparing Mr Lee & Dan Quayle...
n wHo is thiS guy anywaY?!
so i searcheD internet...guess wad...
naT u wiLL loVe e deePeR meaNeR to why
Tom Plate said "Lee Kuan Yew is a helluva lot
smarter than Dan Quayle."
check this webby ouT -->CLicK thiS!
a paRt frM e webby...
iF u r too lazY (LiKe me!)
Throughout his time as Vice President, Quayle was widely ridiculed
in the media and by many in the general public, in both the USA
and overseas, as an intellectual lightweight. For example, Quayle
received the satirical Ig Nobel Prize for "demonstrating, better than
anyone else, the need for science education" in 1991.
SuPeR fuNNy maN!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 15, 2007
~ 18:41
HarDwoRkiN eH~
***OpeNs eYe wiDeR...BLiNks...
PaMeLa HaRDwoRKIN???!!!
aRe u sUre???!!!
noW i'm teLLiN u...
sTraiGht to uR faCe...
toDaY a cerTaiN freN oF miNe...
waS teLLiN anotHeR freN...
saYiN tt iF sHe weRe to...
puT soMe maKe-uP...
shE wouLd deFiniteLy looK prettieR...
to wHicH leD me to thiS oLd SaYin...
theRe are nO preTTy geRs...
(to geT riD of sexisM...or guyS as weLL)
JuZ LaZy oR HaRdwoRkiN geRs~
(oR soMethiN to tt extenD~)
to tt...i wouLD sTroNgLy AGreE~!
i haVe seeN freNz who haVe...
terribLe sKiN aFteR takiN muCh eFFoRt...
iT beComeS so muCh niCer...
n iT maKes theM looK preTTieR toO~
oR mYseLf wHeRe mY haiR...
is daMaGeD LiKe heLL aFteR peRmiN...
to whiCh i taKe greaT meaNs...
to nurTuRe iT bacK to "HeaLtH"~
u caN suRe asK tt frM my freNz~
LisTeN uP ppL~
foR thoSe oF u wHo haVe saiD...
tt i haVe niCe sKiN or haiR beFore~
i wouLd teLL u tt iT does noT...
naTuaLLy or wiThouT soMe eFForT~
i wouLd haVe to aDmiT tt...
i haVe a niCe compLexioN frm younG...
buT tt doEs noT meaN...
tt i do noT haVe baD skiN as weLL~
i dO haVe an oiLy T-ZoNe aRea...
n e resT wHicH are drY zoNes...
wheN i do noT takE care or NegLecT my skiN...
e T-ZoNe juz geTs oiLieR...
e resT juz geTs DrieR...
resULtiN in oCcaSioNaL...
HuGe ziTs PoPPiN ouT...
n e peeLiN of sKin~
e ProCeSs oF taKin caRe oF my sKiN...
taKes uP a HUgE buLk oF my tiMe...
duRinG my baThs...
bouT 10-15mins~
wHicH incLuDes exFoLiaTioN & cLeasNin...
uNdeR waRm waTeR...
aFteR whiCh toWaRds e eNd of my BatH...
i wouLd swiTcH iT to exTreMe coLd waTeR...
to tiGhteN up e PoRes...
tt's not e eNd~
i sTiLL neeD to appLy my toNeR...
in soMe cases wHeN...
my skiN geTs a biT oiLieR...
i wouLd puT on aLoE VeRa GeL~
noT to foRgeT mY moisTuriZeR...
n foLLoWin bY my NiGht cReaM...
beFoRe my sLp...
oCcasionaLLy i do puT oN MasKs...
oR go foR my FaCiaLs...
tHinK iTs trouBLesoMe...
waiT tiLL i moVe oN to my haiR~
e sHamPoo & coNdiTioNeR i use...
aRe caReFuLLy cHoseN to eNsuRe...
tt my haiR feeLs weLL moisTurizeD...
aT tiMes i usE a...
ToTaL RePaiR HaiR TreaTmeNt...
aS my daiLy coNdiTioNeR...
aFteR sHamPooiN my HaiR...
e condiTioNeR is leFt in my haiR...
foR bouT 10-15 mins to aBsorB...
to wHicH iT wouLd b riNseD oFF...
in exTreMe coLd waTeR...
juZ liKe my sKiN~
(noW u noE whY i taKe suCh LoNg baThs~)
noT oVeR yeT~
aFteR toweLeD drY...
i sTiLL haVe to aPPLy...
2 tHiNgs to leaVe inTo the HaiR...
1 foR coLouR caRe...
e otHeR is a DaMageD haiR reBuiLdeR...
mY haiR is deN faiThfuLLy lefT...
to drY uNdeR e faN foR 2-3 hrs...
a haiR drYeR is ToTaLLy NoT in my LisT~
i seLdoM go ouT of e hsE wiTh my weT haiR...
as wheN my haiR is in e dryiN process...
there are ofteN FLyaWaYs...
to wHicH mY bruSh is aLwaYs on e sTandBy~
n i wOuLd aVoiD goiNg ouT...
oN e daY tt i wasH my haiR...
as i thiNk its sTiLL noT...
iN e coNdiTioN tt i LiKe...
YuP...i haVe a tiMiN foR my haiR...
whiCh i thinK afteR LyiN doWn...
oN my haiR foR a NiTe...
wouLd maKe iT niCeR n moRe maNageaBLe~
eVeN beFoRe leaViN e HsE...
i sTiLL haVe to appLy an oiL...
to maKe iT LeSs drY~
thiNk tt's aLL to iT?
NaH~ tHeRe aRe stiLL otheR...
ProCeduRes noT toLd yeT~
foR aLL e woRk doNe...
i wouLd haVe to giVe CreDiT to MyseLf~
***PaTs BaCk~
CaLL iT teDiouS...HigH-maiNteNanCe...
CaLL me zi-LiaN oR VaiN~
iT haS soMe soRt becoMe a...
BaSic thiNg in mY LiFe...
whicH i LovE to caLL iT PaMpeRin...
i gueSs tt's whY i'm caLLeD PaM as WeLL~
so duN juZ coMpLaiN...
bouT hoW uN-pRetty u feeL...
oR aLwaYs eNvYin soMeoNe...
GeT sTaRteD!
Do sOmeThiNg bouT iT~!
to wHiCh briNgs me to...
i GueSs i neeD to aDD...
ExeRciSe to mY daiLy ReGimeN aS weLL...
Esp wiTh my moTivaToR goNe...
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 13, 2007
~ 03:58
NiGht StroLL~
beeN waNtiN to do...
tHiS foR a veRy LoNg tiMe...
aT 0200 Hrs...
i weNt doWnsTaiRs to...
Do my LaTe payMent...
foR my iNsuRaNce...
wHich waS mY pri oBjeCtive..
foR goiNg ouT aT suCh Hrs~
aFteR DoiN e paYmenT...
aT e SAM maChiNe...
i sToPPeD oVeR to CHEERS...
n goT myseLf a cartoN of MiLk...
wHiLe i waS oN mY waY hoMe...
thiS roW oF LiGhts...
CauGht mY aTTeNtioN...
iT waS juZ a PreTTy siGht...
suBconciouSLy i juZ foLLoWeD iT...
n sTroLLeD my waY to...
tHe GardeN aT e BacK...
oF my HouSe...
toT oF siTTin...
oN thiS beNcH as i OnCe diD...
UnForTunaTeLy e cHaiR...
is wEt n e StaRs...
aRe hiDiNg beHinD e cLouDs~
neaRLy waNteD to foLLoW...
thiS roW oF LiGhts...
wHicH leaDs to e MaiN roaD...
buT tt meaNs i wouLd...
haVe sTraYeD too faR off~
so i reTuRneD bacK...
iF i foLLoWeD thiS roaD...
i wouLd haVe deFiniTeLy...
reaCheD hoMe uNdeR a miN...
oF Cos i diDnt~
eNdeD uP waLkiN...
toWaRds e diRecTioN...
oF my Pri sCh...
uNdeR this LigHt...
i waS admiRiN...
e raiNdroPs as theY faLL...
tHouGh thiS piC doesNt shOw iT...
e eFfecT waS niCe aNywaY~
NeeDeD to cRosS e RoaD...
to reaCh my scH...
YuP...i waS sTaNdiN...
iN e MiddLe oF e RoaDs...
TakiNg thesE 2 PiCs...
mY Pri scH...
oF cos i neeDeD to cRoss bacK...
to geT hoMe...
waS waiTin foR a caB to pass by...
deN e uncLe sLoweD dowN...
GueSs he waS hoPiN...
tt i NeeDeD a caB...
aNotHeR aMusiN thiNg...
afTer crossiNg e roaD...
i juZ waLkeD aLoNg thE roaD...
foLLowiN e roaD inTo...
e caRpaRk which leaDs to my blK...
deN i saW a PoLicE CaR exiTin..
froM e carpaRk opposiTe...
sO i quiCkeNed my paCe abiT...
GuesS waD...
e RoaDs wErE suPeR eMpty...
tt e PoLicE CaR couLd haVe...
DroVe oFF iMMediaTeLy...
BuT it DIDnT~
i threW a feW GLaNces bacK...
n kePt seeiN it sTatioNary therE...
iN e ExaCt saMe poSiTioN...
aS i haVe 1st seeN iT~
so i "bLuFF bLuFF" waLk inTo a BLk...
iT was oNLy theN did theY Left...
i reCkoN u uNdeRstaNd...
waD thaT tHeY weRe thiNkiN~
i tooK anotHeR rouNd bouT roUte...
n i noTiCe thiS waLL undEr a VoiD deCk...
GueSs theY feLt e waLLs...
weRe toO wHiTe???
its KiNd oF cuTe tHouGh...
e RouTe leaDin (finaLLy) to mY bLk...
e LiFt waiTiN foR mE~
NoT sO faSt...
HaVe to taKe moRe PiCs...
tHiS iS e PaTh i taKe eVerYdaY...
e WaLLs aRe paiNteD...
SuPeR cuTe n PreTTy...
cos oF CDAC unDeR my bLk~
No LifTs todaY~
tooK e sTaiRs uP...
ReaChiN e coRRidOrs...
YuP...cLiMbeD 6 fLooRs...
buT i sTaY on 8th fLooR...
sTiLL goT 3 moRe FLiGhts...
RePorTiN tiMe hoMe: 0330~
soMetiMes liFe is so heCtiC...
n too fasT-PaCed...
thaT ppL teNd to miSs ouT...
oN e beaUty oF LiFe...
n aLL e woNdeRfuL thiNgs...
suRRoUndiN uS wHicH...
wE daY-by-daY teNd to NegLecT...
n taKe theM foR graNteD...
iTs niCe to juz sLoW doWn...
OnCe iN a wHiLe...
to evEn eNjoY e fResH aiR...
e raiNdroPs faLLiN oN uR faCe...
n aLLow uRseLf to...
iNduLge iN theSe SeeMiNgLy
sMaLL n iNsigNifiCant sTuff~
My Night sTroLL...
aT mY faV tiMe oF e DaY~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 10, 2007
~ 11:15
ReceiVed a caLL frm CaT...
wHo is now in NYC...
LucKiLy i decided to...
pick up my Hp...
aNywaY i was SuPer sHoCk...
to heaR tt famiLiar voice...
tt i was KiNd of LosT foR woRds~
ReaLLy VerY touCheD...
MaKe me re-MisS ya aGaiN~
n tHiS is oNLy e 2nd daY!!!
iT feeLs kinD of weiRd...
knowinG tt u r noT here in S'poRe~
eHz...getting too MusHy lez~
lasT woRds...
LoVe ya~!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 09, 2007
~ 07:56
6 mtHs LaTeR~
ByE CaT~
I beLieVe u...me...n NaT...
HaVe aLoT oF tHiNgs thaT...
we wouLd LoVe to teLL...
eaCh oTheR todaY...
buT noThiNg waS sPoKen...
BuT i Guess we aLL...
uNdeRstanD eaCh otHeR's feeLiNgs...
n waD wE eaCh waNteD to saY...
eNjoY uR eXcHaNge prOgraMMe....
HaVe LoTs oF fuN...
TaKe caRe oF uRseLf...
n Be vEry VeRy careFuL k?
cYa 6 mtHs LaTeR~
I wiLL trY to worK verY HaRd...
to saVe foR e triP to jaPaN~
HoPe e next tiMe we meeT...
iT wiLL b in JaPaN~!
Oh maN...
i missiNg u aLreaDy~
RePoRtiNg tiMe: 0615
SLeepy faCes~
FroM LefT: Chris..NaT...Me...CaT
FiNaL HuGs~
6mtHs LaTeR~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
January 06, 2007
~ 11:59
iN aPPreCiaTioN
to VaLiaNt
foR beiNg so eVeR PaTienT...
n aLwaYs guidiN e casT...
foR beiNg so uNdersTandiN...
aT tiMes wheN wE jusT couLdnt aCt...
wheN we juz haD ouR momeNts...
n Juz foR beiNg such a GreaT diRectoR n...
sCripTwriTeR wHo brouGht uR "BaBieS" to maTuriTy~
to Yin TzE
foR haVin to maNgage so muCh sTuff...
n sTress tt we CouLd neVeR undeRstand...
foR juz coMinG to aLL e reHearsaLs...
thougH u did noT reaLLy need to...
n juZ foR beiNg a wOndeRfuL sTaGe ManaGer...
foR briNgiN e sTaGe to Life~
to DesMonD
foR e tiMes wHeRe we loVe to buLLy u...
n use ur liNes to "suaN" u...
foR e tiMes wheN u cHip in uR commeNts...
n beiNg so at eaSe wiTh uS geRs...
n juZ foR uR eFForT oF suRmouNtin aLL diFFicuLties...
n suCcessFuLLy aCtiNg ouT e RoLe oF cuTe EddiE~
to AnviTa
foR ur peRseVeraNce iN goiNg aHeaD wiTh...
reHeaRsaLs desPite uR diFFicuLt tiMes aHeaD...
foR e maNy tiMes u accompaNieD me...
oN e LoNg MRT triPs...
foR e eNdLesS cHaTs anD fuN...
n uR wiLLiNgness to sHaRe uR heaRt wiTh mE...
n JuZ foR beiNg AnviTa...
wHo aLLoWs mE to sLaP JeSsiCa~
to ViVieN
foR e reaLLy eNdLeSs GossiPs...
n up-daTeD neWs bouT uR liFe...
foR uR viTaLitY n zeSt...
tt neVeR faiLs to briGhteN mY daY...
foR acTing n pLaYin aLonG so sTuPidLy...
n beiNg so siLLy toGetHeR wiTh me...
foR laUgHin liKe siaO toGetHeR...
n foR uR "neaR" HuGs...
n JuZ foR beiNg iN e pLaY as ShaRoN...
to leT me meEt u~
ThaNks to aLL e otHeR CreWs anD CasT
wHo haVe coNtriButeD to e SucCesS
oF thiS ProDucTioN~
ALL oF u wiLL noT be foRgoTTen foR
uR PreCiouS tiMe n eNerGy sPenT
to briNg aBouT thiS dRaMa~!!!
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
~ 11:58
FiNaL PeRfoRmaNcE~!!!
fiNaL daY...FiNaL peRforMaNce...
aT lasT we geT to meeT laTer @ 1:30pm...
buT i was veRy laTe...
reaChiN at bouT 1:55...
DesMonD waS liKe...
u r eaRLy iF we were MeeTing @ 2pm...
OOps! SorrY!
SooN aFteR wE immeDiaTeLy...
chaNgeD ouT n beGaN...
ouR waRm uP foR e...
OnE LasT fuLL dResS reHearsaL...
duRinG e reHeaRsaL...
i thinK goT 2 caMeraMan...
kepT taKiNg pHotos...
thouGh theRe waS no fLasHes...
buT e "CLiCks" weRe auDibLe...
thiS goT mE reaL disTraCted...
n was uNaBLe to conCenTraTe...
reSuLtin in mE goiNg...
inTo aUto-PiLoT Mode~
aS usUaL iTs maKe-uP...
deN e PeRfoRmaNce...
i thiNk no wOrds caN ExpReSs...
hoW wE feLt thaT daY...
WhiLsT Act 1 was goiNg oN...
mY CasT weRe in dressing room...
n wE weRe liKe sHariN...
YuP...I gueSs aLL oF us...
haVe MixeD feeLiNgs...
VeRy HaPPy & eXciTeD...
tt eVerythiN is goiNg to b oVeR...
buT cos oF thaT...
iTs kiNd oF saD...
to knoW thaT theRe will...
no LoNgeR b anY moRe reHeaRsaLs...
to looK foRwaRd to...
nO moRe TuEs...Weds & thuRs...
LauGhteR & fuN...
todaY is e LasT daY...
befoRe going separate waYs...
No maTTeR waD happeNs...
i duN thinK i wiLL b abLe...
to foRgeT everYthin thaT haPPeneD...
in the pasT few montHs...
e tiMes n momeNts we sPent togetheR~
wiLL reaLLy miss u guYz~
its a KinD of mushy to say this...
buT i reaLLy LoVe mY casT members...
aLL oF u will be eTcHed in Memories forever~
tHaNks foR eVerYthiN!!!
LoVe ya peePs~!
JeSsiCa! u R noT suPPosE to b sMiLiN~!!!
i'm supposed to b cuTTin an aPPLe...buT wE RaN ouT oF aPPLes~!!! sO fuLL dreSs reHeaRsaL no neeD e ReaL thiNg~
AnoTheR cRyiN sCeNe...SiaNz~
AnviTa LooKiN cooL in e daNciN sCenE~
DesMoNd looKiN coMicaL aS eDDie in hiS daNciN moDe~
ShaRoN looKiN sMuG aFteR geTTiN heR diaMoNd neCkLacE
SLAP!!! OuCh~! SoRRy AnviTa~!
CrYing...HeRe GoeS~
LaSt paRt...HuGGing sCenE...
ReUnioN~! aT LaST~! iTs oVeR~!!!
CuRtaiN caLL~!!!ShaRoN stoppiNg EddiE frM SiNgiN~
oH maN~ i reaLLy looK suPeR woRn ouT~! juZ liKe aN oLD HaG~!!! :(
e caMeraMEN are reaLLy so wu LiaOz...takiN pIcs oF eaCh otHeR taKiN piC~ DiaOz~!!!
SeE waD haPPeNs wHeN u waNNa do uR maKe-uP~ ATTaCK oF e 3 CaMeraMeN~!!!
neW JoB foR e DaY~ MaKe-Up aRtisT~!
No PeaCe eVeN wHeN u trYiNg to CaTch uP oN soMe sLeeP~
Tea reCepTioN pRepaReD foR VIPs~ NoNe foR me?
NauGhty naUghTy...waD haVe wE beeN uP to?
StaGe ManaGeR & AssisTanT StaGe MaNaGeR~
TaKeN juz befoRe peRforMance...tryiN to acT LiKe ouR CharacTers~
No neeD to aCt Lez~!
Its FinaLLy OVER~!!! TaKiN piCs liKe sIaOz~
MingLe wiTh e VIPs aT Tea ReCepTioN~ tt's Ms Penny Low oNe of e PAPs...(I think)
PiC wiTh VIPs~
DreSS doWn tiME~!
Me & ViVieN~
WiLL miss noT seeiNg u foR reHeaRsaLs~
n e GrP geTs biGGeR...noTice hoW me & ViVieN's sMiLe & HeaD poSitiOn kiNd oF reMaiNs e saMe ThruOuT~
GiLbeRt e caMeraMaN whO is FoReVa taKin PiCs...buT nV seeN in PiCs~
Bye SpiLt MiLk...
u wiLL foReVer b KePt iN my HearT~
N aLL i WanT iS . . .