November 14, 2006
~ 00:23
2 ReaSoNs foR e tiTLe...
No. 1...
aFteR muCh aNtiCipaTioN...
FinaLLy...aT LoNg laSt...
we pLaYeD BaDmiNton~
feLt StiCky~
yeT muCh moRe reFresHed...
aFteR soMe exErciSe~
aFter tt...
me...cLaRa n CLaReNce...
WeNt to HavE diNNeR...
n CaTch e MoviE...
GruDgE 2~
1 poiNt to noTe...
wHeN 3 aNytHiN ppL...
cOmE toGetHeR...
e DeCisIoN aLwaYz...
eNds uP aS AnYtHiN~
no. 2...
e wHoLe daY weNt weLL...
tiLL a sMaLL turNinG poInT...
JuZ aS e MoViE waS sTartin...
ppL wErE geTtinG intO...
e ReLaXinG mOOd...
2 MiDDLe aGeD laDies...
CaMe in LaTe...
"PD" wOmaN...
(PoLka-doTteD aKa...
PrEpoSteRouS deMaNdiNg)
maDe a BiG fuSs ouT of notHiN...
sHe waS LiKe teLLiN...
a frieNdLy faMiLy of fouR...
tt theY wErE siTtiN...
iN tHe wRonG SeaTs...
n inSisTeD tt...
tHey sHLd gO baCk to...
tHeiR OriGinaL plaCes...
pLeaSe~ e ciNeMa...
waS LikE 80% eMptY...
sHe coUld haVe LiKe fouNd...
aNotheR pLaCe to SiT...
oR at LeasT sPeaK in...
a NiCeR n sOfteR tOnE~
sO e faMiLy did...
GaVe uP theIr seaTs...
n e MoViE weNt on...
dEn iT waS "PHaT" laDy's tuRn...
(SaY e wOrD ouT tO uNdeRstaNd...
e aCtuaL uNdeRLyiN MeaNin~)
sHe waS siTtin...
DiRecTLy beHinD mE...
sO i coULd aCtuaLLy feEL...
HeR LeGs leaNiN...
AgaInsT mY cHaiR...
tt...i didnt mind~
deN wHen iT caMe...
tO soMe friGhteNiN paRts...
i thiNk sHe waS suPeR sCareD...
sO shE aCciDentaLLy...
KePt kiCkin mY cHaiR...
iT kiNd of IrrItaTed...
n IrKed mE~
sO...i tuRneD aRouNd...
n ToLd heR NICeLy...
"CouLd u pls sTop kiCkin my ChaiR"
GuEsS waD~!
"DoNT aCCuSe ME"
CaMe heR UnReGreTfuL...
n DeFeNsiVe RepLy~
Ok~ fiNe~ WaDeVeR~
i tUrNed baCk n...
CoNtiNuE waTchiN e MoViE...
deN tt LaDY...
tuRneD to hEr frEn...
n saiD tt i wAs liKe...
sOmE CraZy wOmaN in ChiNesE...
hoW trUe iT iS...
TaLkiN BeHiNd a PeRsoN's BaCk~
Be a biT moRe DiScReEt~!
aFteR e ShOw eNdeD...
PaM: "theSe 2 LaDieS aRe...
ReaLLy oNe oF a KiNd~"
CLaRa: "tt's y tHeY aRe frEnZ~"
e iDioM...
BiRds oF e FeaTheRs FloCk togeTheR...
BecaMe aPPaReNt to Me oNcE moRe~
I maY soUnD a biT baD...
buT... whEn a pErsOn...
geTs to e WrOnG siDe...
of PaMeLa...
sHe beCoMes GrUdGeFuL~ :P
aNywaYz oN wiTh iT...
e MoViE is bouT thiS...
EnDLeSS...NeVeR eNdiN...
KiLLinGs bY e GhoSt...
evEn e XiaO ShuAi Ge...
EdiSon..waS noT SpaReD~
wHeN i waS hoMe...
i tOt oF sOmeThiNg StuPId...
ImaGiNe..waD iF~
TaNg SaN ZhaNg...
WaS paRt of e CaSt...
He wOuLd Go DiRecTLy...
tO e GHosT n TeLL thEm...
iF u ReaLLy waNna...
AvEnGe foR uRseLf...
n KiLL aLL thiS InnOceNt ppL...
LeT mE b e OnE wHo..
DieS iN pLaCe foR eVeRyoNe...
n LeT e ResT Go~
e EviL sPiRiT proBaBLy...
WouLd b TouCheD...
By hiS BeNoVaLenCe...
n TaKe e TonSuRe...
FaNg XiA ToU DaO...
Li Di CheN Fo~
n pRoB ReInCaRnaTe...
N aLL e KiLLiNgs...
WouLd cOmE to aN eNd~
SeE toO muCh oF...
SuN WuKoNg laTeLy...
LeT mY iMaGiNatiOn...
RuN aWaY wiTh mE aGaiN~ ;)
N aLL i WanT iS . . .
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