*e AcT oF LiFe...
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October 29, 2006
~ 17:13
SeNdiNG oFF~

e RaIN...
e FiRe...
e SmOke...

I jUz caNt LoOk StrAiGht~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 26, 2006
~ 23:25
E PasT...

e 14...
e PaIn...
e LifT...
e StruGgLe...
e VisiTs...
e ReCoVerY...
e AcTioNs...
e StaYs...
e TiReDneSs...
e WoRse...
e ShoUts...
e StaRes...
e WoRds...
e SLeEp...
e CoVeR...
e NiGhts...
e WaVes...
e StaNd...
e SmiLes...

CaN i JuZ MoVe oN?

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 20:01
ByE ByE~

A SiNkiNG feELiNg...
In My HeaRt...
HisToRy haPpeNed aGaIn.

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 23, 2006
~ 22:35
StuPiD pOrTaL~

WheN i dO go ChecK...
nOtHinG is OuT...
WheN i gEt ouT of HsE...
e ReSuLts cOmE OuT~

StuPiD PoRtaL~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 22, 2006
~ 21:10
WheRe r U???

S.E.L.F - D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E :

e aBiLitY to MaKe urselF...
DO thiNgs u NoE u ShLd DO...
EveN when u DO Not WaN to~

yup...tHis is WaD...
I NeED...N yeT...
Is LaCkiNG in my LiFe~

WhErE r U...
wHeN i NeeD u e MosT??!!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 21, 2006
~ 17:53
WoRk tiMe~!

ALL wOrK buT nO pLaY...
MaKes me a sAd pAm...
ALL plaY buT no WoRk...
maKes mE a...
'PusHin mYseLf to dO it'...
'BuT to No aVaIL' PaM...

i GeT iT...
e cLoCk sTriKes...
e TiMe is UP...
ThiS tiMe u BeTTa sTarT...
MovInG n GeT thiNGs doNe~!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 00:20
WoRlD's UpSiDe DoWn

LeTTeR to WiNi:

DeaR WiNi...

JuZ watch FinIsh ur Er Zhuo Ju Zi Wen...
LoVe iT MaNz~!!!
SupER NicE n GaO SiAo...
ThinK its NicEr den e JaP veRsioN...
EnjoYeD it sOOO mucH....

FeLt like KiLLing ur sTupiD Cd...
duN worrY will reTuRn u a FuLL pieCe...
My DVD playeR caNt reaD e 1st few Cds...
Den havE to use my pooR laPPie to See it...
iF i aM not wRong...
Ur 3rd disC JInG RaN sHi Ge eMptY dIsC~!!!
PeK cHeK~!!!
N i tHinK tt's wHeRe theIr 1st KiSS occUred~
AfTer tt...couLd aT lasT use mY plaYer lez...
BuT~ qUiTe a FeW diSc osO coCk up Lorz~
EnD uP have to SkiP a feW disC...
LucKily...e LaSt few cDs wEre aLriTe...

InsTeaD oF trYin...
to Set my BiologicaL cLocK to E rIte tImInG...
Ur sHoW maDe my WoRld...
eVeN moRe upsIde doWn...
WaTch e ShoW tHruOuT e NiTeZ...
MaNaGe to See fiNish...
N tOOk a NaP...
frM 3pm to 10pm...
HoW on EaRth aM i tO sLp tOniGht~!!!

AftEr so MucH cOmpliaNts....
SeeMs liKe i reGreT waTchin e ShoW horz?
buT if u asK me...
I wOuld teLL u...
I wOuld DO e SaME tHinG aLL oveR agaIn~

AnYwaYz...LoVe e ShOw aLot...
WiLL reTurN to ya SooN~

***DuN b sO sTrEsseD ouT By e ExAmZ~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 19, 2006
~ 23:17
GeT on WitH iT~!

To maKe thiS reCorD stRaiGhT...
Its NOT e HoLz...
In actuAL faCt...
Its caLLeD sTudY BreaK~
FoR 2 wKs...b4 e acTuaL fuN...

BuT...wHeRe's e ReVisIoN?
e BoOks...e MiDniTe oiL???
I guEss i haVe to sToP giving ExCuSes...
N geT doWn to buSiNeSs~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 17, 2006
~ 23:58
OveR e MoOn~!

SLpT like a PiG today till 3pm...
So did not manage to wake up...
For e study grp...SorRy gUyz~!
Recently my biological cLocK...
Kind of MiXeD up...
So aLwaYs slp SUPER "earLy"...

TodaY was e 1st prac for e DraMa poduction...
FiNaLLy can do wad i Love MosT~
It was kind of coOL..waY fUn~
But of cos...super miserable as well...
Cos of my characTer...

Den durin e prac...
One of my drama mates...AnviTa..
She's like super cOOL lorz...
last time she was like 70+ kg...
den now 50~
She kind of LoSt 30kg loRz~!!!
PoWeR MaNz~!!! I oso WaN~!!!

Den she ask me whether i got 'mix' blood...
Towards e AnG MOh liNe....
NormaLLy ppl who say tt...
Tot i like frM TAIWAn or CHiNa LoRz... :(
But todaY super diFF...so SUPER DUPER HaPPy~!

den....1 sms frm pei yu...
Made me even more OveRjoYed~!!!
DI foR FSI aSsiGnmEnT~!!! YeaHz~!!!
Oh Yah...i oso found a badminton CoMpaNioN~!!!

Tml~ going ViVoCitY with caT~!!!
waHz...1st time i feel tt my hols super fulfillin~
WoO HoO~!!!

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 01:17

Is iT PoSsibLe tt i CaN JuZ LeT e piEcEs...
FaLL wHeRe TheY mAy...
N foRm a cOmpLetE PuZzLe?
i DuN tHinK sO~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 16, 2006
~ 06:25

YeaH~ DiD noT sLP foR 1 whOLe NiTE~!!!
CoNgRaTs tO mE n mY braIn~
tmL or StriCtLY todaY...
i wOulD juZ b a WoOdBloCk~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 15, 2006
~ 21:11

WaHz~ when i waNNa bloG...
saw smth whitish on my finger...
tot wad was tt...
only to realise my sKiN was PeELiNG
Like SiaO~ :(

anYwaY...nth much to do today...
actuaLLy suppose to do some revision
for AccouNtin...
buT as Usual...LazY~
maYb at 12 or 1 am BaHz...
when i feel less sluGGisH~
so siaN @ hoMe...
so when walK waLk at usual place
TaMp MaLL~ SiaNz~
in enD sPend so muCh $$$...
reMinD me nv to waLk there again when i SiaNz~

yaHz...wHen i was suRfinG e Net for pix...
CaMe aCross thiS Quote wHicH...
KePt me ThiNkinG~

by Langston Hughes

Hold fast to dreams...
For if dreams die...
Life is a broken-winged bird...
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams...
For when dreams go...
Life is a barren field...
Frozen with snow.

Chasing Your Dreams?
by Anonymous

Do you watch the weather...
Widdle time away? (no idea wad widdle is...but guess is smth like wastin)
Have you come to educate...
Or have you lost your way?
Do you stay in trains of thoughts...
Quietly stowing with no pay?
Hopeing without showing progress...
Of changing tracks someday.

Living for the moment...
Or dying from the past?
Sowing thoughts that are chosen...
Or lying passively in the grass?
Staring at clouds that...
Last only hours as they seem.
Were you pushed here by nightmares...
Or are you chasing your dreams?


N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 14, 2006
~ 23:20
LoNg DaY~

TodaY moRn practically drag myself out of bed...
slp sooo Late last nite....den still have to meet caT so eArlY
(seeing this meowz?) haha...anyway she herself later den me lorz~
lazY CaT (n pam as well :P)
anyway...goin to be late le...
den clarence sms me accountin results come ouT leZ~!
super excited maNz~!
cant wait le...so keep on tryin to go online...
deN mY stupiD laPPie connection cant go onlinez~!
ARgHHH~ :(
but den...liang yi sms say we got HD~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
super duper proud of myself maNz~!! haha
of cos not to mention my grp~! We DiD it GUYZ~!!!

today super hazy again lorz...
dunno whether can see thru e pix or not

oh yah...show u all smth

too bad...e flowers n teddy bear is not mine
so SaD~ its for my sis~
so NicE HoRz~ its like lying there for how many days...
n aMaZinLy...how come e flowers like haven die yeT?
iSsiT faKe? Dun look like to me leHz~
aNywaY i juZ got 2 wOrds to saY...
i oso WAN~!

***OOh~ LaTesT news...
iTs acTuaLLy a DoC cHasinG after my sis...
n She REJECT hiM~ so SAD~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 01:14

Wee~ Change new blogskin agaiN~
actually its kind of fun~
i like gettin betta at it...haha
anyway...i am up so late again~

sch juz added like today...
but i m not in e least overjoyed....
no idea why oso...
tryin to schdule my dates properly for e hols...
shld i work or not?
i need e $$$...but yet...
life durin retail hrs sux...
though e pay is gd man...
basically it juz boils to e word laziness~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


October 13, 2006
~ 04:15
To sLp oR NoT to SLp???

haiz...so late le...
wanna slp oso cannot...
if i super tired...oso take so long to get to slp
when i do slp...my mind dun let me go into deep slp....
n if i do go into deep slp...i wake up so early for no reason....
WaDs wRonG with ME???
I juZ WaNNa sLP :(

N aLL i WanT iS . . .


~ 03:56
NeW StaRt~

Wahz...super diff to change the blogskins lorz...
so mah fun...but ManY maNy thaNks to WaI~

N aLL i WanT iS . . .




*2008 SpeciaLs*

5th Jan 2008
A Special Memory for Life
The Tao of Love - Jiang Hong





* October 2006
* November 2006
* December 2006
* January 2007
* February 2007
* March 2007
* April 2007
* May 2007
* June 2007
* July 2007
* August 2007
* January 2008


Post-Production Blues
e MontH of August~
NeW DesK~!
Bz Yr aHead
DiaMonD! :O
StoMacH's WeiRd
LivinG iT Up~
LoNg TiMe No TaLK~!!!
Hao Hao TinG WoR~


Designer: j-wen

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